Source code for autoarray.plot.wrap.base.label

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Optional

from autoconf import conf

from autoarray.plot.wrap.base.abstract import AbstractMatWrap
from autoarray.plot.wrap.base.units import Units

class AbstractLabel(AbstractMatWrap):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        The settings used to customize the figure's title and y and x labels.

        This object wraps the following Matplotlib methods:

        - plt.ylabel:
        - plt.xlabel:

        The y and x labels will automatically be set if not specified, using the input units.

            The units the data is plotted using.
            A manual label which overrides the default computed via the units if input.


        self.manual_label = self.kwargs.get("label")

[docs]class YLabel(AbstractLabel):
[docs] def set( self, auto_label: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Set the y labels of the figure, including the fontsize. The y labels are always the distance scales, thus the labels are either arc-seconds or kpc and depending on the unit_label the figure is plotted in. Parameters ---------- units The units of the image that is plotted which informs the appropriate y label text. """ config_dict = self.config_dict if self.manual_label is not None: config_dict.pop("ylabel") plt.ylabel(ylabel=self.manual_label, **config_dict) elif auto_label is not None: config_dict.pop("ylabel") plt.ylabel(ylabel=auto_label, **config_dict) else: plt.ylabel(**config_dict)
[docs]class XLabel(AbstractLabel):
[docs] def set( self, auto_label: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Set the x labels of the figure, including the fontsize. The x labels are always the distance scales, thus the labels are either arc-seconds or kpc and depending on the unit_label the figure is plotted in. Parameters ---------- units The units of the image that is plotted which informs the appropriate x label text. """ config_dict = self.config_dict if self.manual_label is not None: config_dict.pop("xlabel") plt.xlabel(xlabel=self.manual_label, **config_dict) elif auto_label is not None: config_dict.pop("xlabel") plt.xlabel(xlabel=auto_label, **config_dict) else: plt.xlabel(**config_dict)