
class InterferometerPlotter[source]#

Bases: Plotter

Plots the attributes of Interferometer objects using the matplotlib methods plot(), scatter() and imshow() and other matplotlib functions which customize the plot’s appearance.

The mat_plot_1d and mat_plot_2d attributes wrap matplotlib function calls to make the figure. By default, the settings passed to every matplotlib function called are those specified in the config/visualize/mat_wrap/*.ini files, but a user can manually input values into MatPlot2d to customize the figure’s appearance.

Overlaid on the figure are visuals, contained in the Visuals1D and Visuals2D objects. Attributes may be extracted from the LightProfile and plotted via the visuals object, if the corresponding entry is True in the Include1D or Include2D object or the config/visualize/include.ini file.

  • dataset (Interferometer) – The interferometer dataset the plotter plots.

  • mat_plot_1d (MatPlot1D) – Contains objects which wrap the matplotlib function calls that make 1D plots.

  • visuals_1d (Visuals1D) – Contains 1D visuals that can be overlaid on 1D plots.

  • include_1d (Include1D) – Specifies which attributes of the Interferometer are extracted and plotted as visuals for 1D plots.

  • mat_plot_2d (MatPlot2D) – Contains objects which wrap the matplotlib function calls that make 2D plots.

  • visuals_2d (Visuals2D) – Contains 2D visuals that can be overlaid on 2D plots.

  • include_2d (Include2D) – Specifies which attributes of the Interferometer are extracted and plotted as visuals for 2D plots.




Plots the individual attributes of the plotter's Interferometer object in 1D and 2D.


Get the size of a sub plotter in (total_y_pixels, total_x_pixels), based on the number of subplots that are going to be plotted.



Setup a figure for plotting an image.







Plots the individual attributes of the plotter's Interferometer object in 1D and 2D on a subplot.


Standard subplot of the attributes of the plotter's Interferometer object.


Standard subplot of the dirty attributes of the plotter's Interferometer object.







figures_2d(data=False, noise_map=False, u_wavelengths=False, v_wavelengths=False, uv_wavelengths=False, amplitudes_vs_uv_distances=False, phases_vs_uv_distances=False, dirty_image=False, dirty_noise_map=False, dirty_signal_to_noise_map=False)[source]#

Plots the individual attributes of the plotter’s Interferometer object in 1D and 2D.

The API is such that every plottable attribute of the Interferometer object is an input parameter of type bool of the function, which if switched to True means that it is plotted.

  • data (bool) – Whether to make a 2D plot (via scatter) of the visibility data.

  • noise_map (bool) – Whether to make a 2D plot (via scatter) of the noise-map.

  • u_wavelengths (bool) – Whether to make a 1D plot (via plot) of the u-wavelengths.

  • v_wavelengths (bool) – Whether to make a 1D plot (via plot) of the v-wavelengths.

  • amplitudes_vs_uv_distances (bool) – Whether to make a 1D plot (via plot) of the amplitudes versis the uv distances.

  • phases_vs_uv_distances (bool) – Whether to make a 1D plot (via plot) of the phases versis the uv distances.

  • dirty_image (bool) – Whether to make a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty image.

  • dirty_noise_map (bool) – Whether to make a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty noise map.

  • dirty_signal_to_noise_map (bool) – Whether to make a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty signal-to-noise map.

subplot(data=False, noise_map=False, u_wavelengths=False, v_wavelengths=False, uv_wavelengths=False, amplitudes_vs_uv_distances=False, phases_vs_uv_distances=False, dirty_image=False, dirty_noise_map=False, dirty_signal_to_noise_map=False, auto_filename='subplot_dataset')[source]#

Plots the individual attributes of the plotter’s Interferometer object in 1D and 2D on a subplot.

The API is such that every plottable attribute of the Interferometer object is an input parameter of type bool of the function, which if switched to True means that it is included on the subplot.

  • data (bool) – Whether to include a 2D plot (via scatter) of the visibility data.

  • noise_map (bool) – Whether to include a 2D plot (via scatter) of the noise-map.

  • u_wavelengths (bool) – Whether to include a 1D plot (via plot) of the u-wavelengths.

  • v_wavelengths (bool) – Whether to include a 1D plot (via plot) of the v-wavelengths.

  • amplitudes_vs_uv_distances (bool) – Whether to include a 1D plot (via plot) of the amplitudes versis the uv distances.

  • phases_vs_uv_distances (bool) – Whether to include a 1D plot (via plot) of the phases versis the uv distances.

  • dirty_image (bool) – Whether to include a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty image.

  • dirty_noise_map (bool) – Whether to include a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty noise map.

  • dirty_signal_to_noise_map (bool) – Whether to include a 2D plot (via imshow) of the dirty signal-to-noise map.


Standard subplot of the attributes of the plotter’s Interferometer object.


Standard subplot of the dirty attributes of the plotter’s Interferometer object.