Source code for autoarray.mask.mask_1d

from __future__ import annotations

from import fits
import logging
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from autoarray.mask.abstract_mask import Mask

from autoarray.mask.derive.grid_1d import DeriveGrid1D
from autoarray.mask.derive.mask_1d import DeriveMask1D
from autoarray.geometry.geometry_1d import Geometry1D
from autoarray.structures.abstract_structure import Structure
from autoarray.structures.arrays import array_1d_util

from autoarray import exc
from autoarray import type as ty

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Mask1D(Mask): def __init__( self, mask: Union[np.ndarray, List], pixel_scales: ty.PixelScales, origin: Tuple[float,] = (0.0,), invert: bool = False, ): """ A 1D mask, representing 1D data on a uniform line of pixels with equal spacing. When applied to 1D data it extracts or masks the unmasked image pixels corresponding to mask entries that are `False` or 0). The mask also defines the geometry of the 1D data structure it is paired to, for example how every pixel coordinate on the 1D line of data converts to physical units via the `pixel_scales` and `origin` parameters and a grid which is used for performing calculations. Parameters ---------- mask The ndarray of shape [total_pixels] containing the bool's representing the mask, where `False` signifies an entry is unmasked and used in calculations. pixel_scales The scaled units to pixel units conversion factor of each pixel. origin The x origin of the mask's coordinate system in scaled units. """ if type(mask) is list: mask = np.asarray(mask).astype("bool") if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) if type(pixel_scales) is float: pixel_scales = (pixel_scales,) if len(mask.shape) != 1: raise exc.MaskException("The input mask is not a one dimensional array") # noinspection PyArgumentList super().__init__( mask=mask, pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin, ) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super().__array_finalize__(obj=obj) if isinstance(obj, Mask1D): pass else: self.origin = (0.0,) @property def native(self) -> Structure: raise NotImplemented() @property def geometry(self) -> Geometry1D: """ Return the 1D geometry of the mask, representing its uniform rectangular grid of (x) coordinates defined by its ``shape_native``. """ return Geometry1D( shape_native=self.shape_native, pixel_scales=self.pixel_scales, origin=self.origin, ) @property def derive_mask(self) -> DeriveMask1D: return DeriveMask1D(mask=self) @property def derive_grid(self) -> DeriveGrid1D: return DeriveGrid1D(mask=self)
[docs] @classmethod def all_false( cls, shape_slim, pixel_scales: ty.PixelScales, origin: Tuple[float] = (0.0,), invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask1D": """ Setup a 1D mask where all pixels are unmasked. Parameters ---------- shape_slim The (y,x) shape of the mask in units of pixels. pixel_scales The scaled units to pixel units conversion factor of each pixel. """ return cls( mask=np.full(shape=shape_slim, fill_value=False), pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin, invert=invert, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits( cls, file_path: Union[Path, str], pixel_scales: ty.PixelScales, hdu: int = 0, origin: Tuple[float] = (0.0,), ) -> "Mask1D": """ Loads the 1D mask from a .fits file. Parameters ---------- file_path The full path of the fits file. hdu The HDU number in the fits file containing the image image. pixel_scales The scaled units to pixel units conversion factor of each pixel. """ return cls( array_1d_util.numpy_array_1d_via_fits_from(file_path=file_path, hdu=hdu), pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_primary_hdu( cls, primary_hdu: fits.PrimaryHDU, origin: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), ) -> "Mask1D": """ Returns an ``Mask1D`` by from a `PrimaryHDU` object which has been loaded via `astropy.fits` This assumes that the `header` of the `PrimaryHDU` contains an entry named `PIXSCALE` which gives the pixel-scale of the array. For a full description of ``Mask1D`` objects, including a description of the ``slim`` and ``native`` attribute used by the API, see the :meth:`Mask1D class API documentation <autoarray.structures.arrays.uniform_1d.AbstractMask1D.__new__>`. Parameters ---------- primary_hdu The `PrimaryHDU` object which has already been loaded from a .fits file via `astropy.fits` and contains the array data and the pixel-scale in the header with an entry named `PIXSCALE`. origin The (y,x) scaled units origin of the coordinate system. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from import fits import autoarray as aa primary_hdu ="path/to/file.fits") array_1d = aa.Mask1D.from_primary_hdu( primary_hdu=primary_hdu, ) """ return cls("bool"), pixel_scales=primary_hdu.header["PIXSCALE"], origin=origin, )
@property def shape_native(self) -> Tuple[int]: return self.shape @property def shape_slim(self) -> Tuple[int]: return self.shape @property def hdu_for_output(self) -> fits.PrimaryHDU: """ The mask as a HDU object, which can be output to a .fits file. The header of the HDU is used to store the `pixel_scale` of the array, which is used by the `Array1D.from_hdu`. This method is used in other projects (E.g. PyAutoGalaxy, PyAutoLens) to conveniently output the array to .fits files. Returns ------- The HDU containing the data and its header which can then be written to .fits. """ return array_1d_util.hdu_for_output_from( array_1d=self.astype("float"), header_dict=self.pixel_scale_header )
[docs] def output_to_fits(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], overwrite: bool = False): """ Write the 1D mask to a .fits file. Parameters ---------- file_path The full path of the file that is output, including the file name and .fits extension. overwrite If `True` and a file already exists with the input file_path the .fits file is overwritten. If `False`, an error is raised. Returns ------- None Examples -------- mask = Mask1D(mask=np.full(shape=(5,), fill_value=False)) mask.output_to_fits(file_path='/path/to/file/filename.fits', overwrite=True) """ array_1d_util.numpy_array_1d_to_fits( array_1d=self.astype("float"), file_path=file_path, overwrite=overwrite, header_dict=self.pixel_scale_header, )