Source code for autoarray.structures.grids.irregular_2d

import numpy as np
import os
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import json

from autoarray.abstract_ndarray import AbstractNDArray
from autoarray.geometry.geometry_2d_irregular import Geometry2DIrregular
from autoarray.mask.mask_2d import Mask2D
from autoarray.structures.arrays.irregular import ArrayIrregular

from autoarray import exc
from autoarray.structures.grids import grid_2d_util
from autoarray.geometry import geometry_util

[docs]class Grid2DIrregular(AbstractNDArray): def __init__(self, values: Union[np.ndarray, List]): """ An irregular grid of (y,x) coordinates. The `Grid2DIrregular` stores the (y,x) irregular grid of coordinates as 2D NumPy array of shape [total_coordinates, 2]. Calculations should use the NumPy array structure wherever possible for efficient calculations. The coordinates input to this function can have any of the following forms (they will be converted to the 1D NumPy array structure and can be converted back using the object's properties): :: [(y0,x0), (y1,x1)] [[y0,x0], [y1,x1]] If your grid lies on a 2D uniform grid of data the `Grid2D` data structure should be used. Parameters ---------- values The irregular grid of (y,x) coordinates. """ if len(values) == 0: super().__init__(values) return if type(values) is list: if isinstance(values[0], Grid2DIrregular): values = values else: values = np.asarray(values) super().__init__(values) @property def values(self): return self._array @property def geometry(self): """ The (y,x) 2D shape of the irregular grid in scaled units, computed by taking the minimum and maximum values of (y,x) coordinates on the grid. """ shape_native_scaled = ( np.amax(self[:, 0]).astype("float") - np.amin(self[:, 0]).astype("float"), np.amax(self[:, 1]).astype("float") - np.amin(self[:, 1]).astype("float"), ) scaled_maxima = ( np.amax(self[:, 0]).astype("float"), np.amax(self[:, 1]).astype("float"), ) scaled_minima = ( np.amin(self[:, 0]).astype("float"), np.amin(self[:, 1]).astype("float"), ) return Geometry2DIrregular( shape_native_scaled=shape_native_scaled, scaled_maxima=scaled_maxima, scaled_minima=scaled_minima, ) @property def slim(self) -> "Grid2DIrregular": return self @property def native(self) -> "Grid2DIrregular": return self @property def sub_shape_slim(self) -> int: return len(self.slim)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yx_1d(cls, y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray) -> "Grid2DIrregular": """ Create `Grid2DIrregular` from a list of y and x values. """ return Grid2DIrregular(values=np.stack((y, x), axis=-1))
[docs] @classmethod def from_pixels_and_mask( cls, pixels: Union[np.ndarray, List], mask: Mask2D ) -> "Grid2DIrregular": """ Create `Grid2DIrregular` from a list of coordinates in pixel units and a mask which allows these coordinates to be converted to scaled units. """ coorindates = [ mask.geometry.scaled_coordinates_2d_from( pixel_coordinates_2d=pixel_coordinates_2d ) for pixel_coordinates_2d in pixels ] return Grid2DIrregular(values=coorindates)
@property def in_list(self) -> List: """ Return the coordinates in a list. """ return [tuple(value) for value in self] @property def scaled_minima(self) -> Tuple: """ The (y,x) minimum values of the grid in scaled units, buffed such that their extent is further than the grid's extent. """ return ( np.amin(self[:, 0]).astype("float"), np.amin(self[:, 1]).astype("float"), ) @property def scaled_maxima(self) -> Tuple: """ The (y,x) maximum values of the grid in scaled units, buffed such that their extent is further than the grid's extent. """ return ( np.amax(self[:, 0]).astype("float"), np.amax(self[:, 1]).astype("float"), )
[docs] def extent_with_buffer_from(self, buffer: float = 1.0e-8) -> List[float]: """ The extent of the grid in scaled units returned as a list [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max], where all values are buffed such that their extent is further than the grid's extent.. This follows the format of the extent input parameter in the matplotlib method imshow (and other methods) and is used for visualization in the plot module. """ return [ self.scaled_minima[1] - buffer, self.scaled_maxima[1] + buffer, self.scaled_minima[0] - buffer, self.scaled_maxima[0] + buffer, ]
[docs] def values_from(self, array_slim: np.ndarray) -> ArrayIrregular: """ Create a *ArrayIrregular* object from a 1D NumPy array of values of shape [total_coordinates], which are structured following this `Grid2DIrregular` instance. """ return ArrayIrregular(values=array_slim)
def values_via_value_from(self, value: float) -> ArrayIrregular: return self.values_from( array_slim=np.full(fill_value=value, shape=self.shape[0]) )
[docs] def grid_from( self, grid_slim: np.ndarray ) -> Union["Grid2DIrregular", "Grid2DIrregularTransformed"]: """ Create a `Grid2DIrregular` object from a 2D NumPy array of values of shape [total_coordinates, 2], which are structured following this *Grid2DIrregular* instance. """ from autoarray.structures.grids.transformed_2d import Grid2DTransformedNumpy if isinstance(grid_slim, Grid2DTransformedNumpy): return Grid2DIrregularTransformed(values=grid_slim) return Grid2DIrregular(values=grid_slim)
[docs] def grid_2d_via_deflection_grid_from( self, deflection_grid: np.ndarray ) -> "Grid2DIrregular": """ Returns a new Grid2DIrregular from this grid coordinates, where the (y,x) coordinates of this grid have a grid of (y,x) values, termed the deflection grid, subtracted from them to determine the new grid of (y,x) values. This is to perform grid ray-tracing. Parameters ---------- deflection_grid The grid of (y,x) coordinates which is subtracted from this grid. """ return Grid2DIrregular(values=self - deflection_grid)
[docs] def structure_2d_from( self, result: Union[np.ndarray, List] ) -> Union[ArrayIrregular, "Grid2DIrregular", "Grid2DIrregularTransformed", List]: """ Convert a result from a non autoarray structure to an aa.ArrayIrregular or aa.Grid2DIrregular structure, where the conversion depends on type(result) as follows: - 1D np.ndarray -> aa.ArrayIrregular - 2D np.ndarray -> aa.Grid2DIrregular - [1D np.ndarray] -> [aa.ArrayIrregular] - [2D np.ndarray] -> [aa.Grid2DIrregular] This function is used by the grid_2d_to_structure decorator to convert the output result of a function to an autoarray structure when a `Grid2DIrregular` instance is passed to the decorated function. Parameters ---------- result The input result (e.g. of a decorated function) that is converted to a PyAutoArray structure. """ if isinstance(result, (np.ndarray, AbstractNDArray)): if len(result.shape) == 1: return self.values_from(array_slim=result) elif len(result.shape) == 2: return self.grid_from(grid_slim=result) elif isinstance(result, list): if len(result[0].shape) == 1: return [self.values_from(array_slim=value) for value in result] elif len(result[0].shape) == 2: return [self.grid_from(grid_slim=value) for value in result]
[docs] def structure_2d_list_from( self, result_list: List ) -> List[Union[ArrayIrregular, "Grid2DIrregular", "Grid2DIrregularTransformed"]]: """ Convert a result from a list of non autoarray structures to a list of aa.ArrayIrregular or aa.Grid2DIrregular structures, where the conversion depends on type(result) as follows: :: - [1D np.ndarray] -> [aa.ArrayIrregular] - [2D np.ndarray] -> [aa.Grid2DIrregular] This function is used by the grid_like_list_to_structure_list decorator to convert the output result of a function to a list of autoarray structure when a `Grid2DIrregular` instance is passed to the decorated function. Parameters ---------- result_list The input result (e.g. of a decorated function) that is converted to a PyAutoArray structure. """ if len(result_list[0].shape) == 1: return [self.values_from(array_slim=value) for value in result_list] elif len(result_list[0].shape) == 2: return [self.grid_from(grid_slim=value) for value in result_list]
[docs] def squared_distances_to_coordinate_from( self, coordinate: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) ) -> ArrayIrregular: """ Returns the squared distance of every (y,x) coordinate in this *Coordinate* instance from an input coordinate. Parameters ---------- coordinate The (y,x) coordinate from which the squared distance of every *Coordinate* is computed. """ squared_distances = np.square(self[:, 0] - coordinate[0]) + np.square( self[:, 1] - coordinate[1] ) return self.values_from(array_slim=squared_distances)
[docs] def distances_to_coordinate_from( self, coordinate: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) ) -> ArrayIrregular: """ Returns the distance of every (y,x) coordinate in this *Coordinate* instance from an input coordinate. Parameters ---------- coordinate The (y,x) coordinate from which the distance of every coordinate is computed. """ distances = np.sqrt( self.squared_distances_to_coordinate_from(coordinate=coordinate) ) return self.values_from(array_slim=distances)
@property def furthest_distances_to_other_coordinates(self) -> ArrayIrregular: """ For every (y,x) coordinate on the `Grid2DIrregular` returns the furthest radial distance of each coordinate to any other coordinate on the grid. For example, for the following grid: :: values=[(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 3.0)] The returned further distances are: :: [3.0, 2.0, 3.0] Returns ------- ArrayIrregular The further distances of every coordinate to every other coordinate on the irregular grid. """ radial_distances_max = np.zeros((self.shape[0])) for i in range(self.shape[0]): x_distances = np.square(np.subtract(self[i, 0], self[:, 0])) y_distances = np.square(np.subtract(self[i, 1], self[:, 1])) radial_distances_max[i] = np.sqrt(np.max(np.add(x_distances, y_distances))) return self.values_from(array_slim=radial_distances_max)
[docs] def grid_of_closest_from(self, grid_pair: "Grid2DIrregular") -> "Grid2DIrregular": """ From an input grid, find the closest coordinates of this instance of the `Grid2DIrregular` to each coordinate on the input grid and return each closest coordinate as a new `Grid2DIrregular`. Parameters ---------- grid_pair The grid of coordinates the closest coordinate of each (y,x) location is paired with. Returns ------- The grid of coordinates corresponding to the closest coordinate of each coordinate of this instance of the `Grid2DIrregular` to the input grid. """ grid_of_closest = np.zeros((grid_pair.shape[0], 2)) for i in range(grid_pair.shape[0]): x_distances = np.square(np.subtract(grid_pair[i, 0], self[:, 0])) y_distances = np.square(np.subtract(grid_pair[i, 1], self[:, 1])) radial_distances = np.add(x_distances, y_distances) grid_of_closest[i, :] = self[np.argmin(radial_distances), :] return Grid2DIrregular(values=grid_of_closest)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> "Grid2DIrregular": """ Returns a `Grid2DIrregular` object from a .json file, which stores the coordinates as a list of list of tuples. Parameters ---------- file_path The path to the coordinates .dat file containing the coordinates (e.g. '/path/to/coordinates.dat') """ with open(file_path) as infile: grid = json.load(infile) return Grid2DIrregular(values=grid)
[docs] def output_to_json(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], overwrite: bool = False): """ Output this instance of the `Grid2DIrregular` object to a .json file as a list of list of tuples. Parameters ---------- file_path The path to the coordinates .dat file containing the coordinates (e.g. '/path/to/coordinates.dat') overwrite If there is as exsiting file it will be overwritten if this is `True`. """ file_dir = os.path.split(file_path)[0] if not path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) if overwrite and path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) elif not overwrite and path.exists(file_path): raise FileExistsError( "The file ", file_path, " already exists. Set overwrite=True to overwrite this" "file", ) with open(file_path, "w+") as f: json.dump(self.in_list, f)
class Grid2DIrregularTransformed(Grid2DIrregular): pass class Grid2DIrregularUniform(Grid2DIrregular): def __init__( self, values: np.ndarray, shape_native: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, pixel_scales: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ): """ A collection of (y,x) coordinates which is structured as follows: :: [[x0, x1], [x0, x1]] The grid object does not store the coordinates as a list of tuples, but instead a 2D NumPy array of shape [total_coordinates, 2]. They are stored as a NumPy array so the coordinates can be used efficiently for calculations. The coordinates input to this function can have any of the following forms: :: [(y0,x0), (y1,x1)] In all cases, they will be converted to a list of tuples followed by a 2D NumPy array. Print methods are overidden so a user always "sees" the coordinates as the list structure. Like the `Grid2D` structure, `Grid2DIrregularUniform` lie on a uniform grid corresponding to values that originate from a uniform grid. This contrasts the `Grid2DIrregular` class above. However, although this class stores the pixel-scale and 2D shape of this grid, it does not store the mask that a `Grid2D` does that enables the coordinates to be mapped from 1D to 2D. This is for calculations that utilize the 2d information of the grid but do not want the memory overheads associated with the 2D mask. Parameters ---------- values A collection of (y,x) coordinates that. """ if len(values) == 0: super().__init__(values=values) return if isinstance(values[0], float): values = [values] if isinstance(values[0], tuple): values = [values] elif isinstance(values[0], (np.ndarray, AbstractNDArray)): if len(values[0].shape) == 1: values = [values] elif isinstance(values[0], list) and isinstance(values[0][0], (float)): values = [values] coordinates_arr = np.concatenate([np.array(i) for i in values]) self._internal_list = values pixel_scales = geometry_util.convert_pixel_scales_2d(pixel_scales=pixel_scales) self.shape_native = shape_native self.pixel_scales = pixel_scales super().__init__(coordinates_arr) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, "_internal_list"): self._internal_list = obj._internal_list if hasattr(obj, "shape_native"): self.shape_native = obj.shape_native if hasattr(obj, "pixel_scales"): self.pixel_scales = obj.pixel_scales @property def pixel_scale(self) -> float: if self.pixel_scales[0] == self.pixel_scales[1]: return self.pixel_scales[0] else: raise exc.GridException( "Cannot return a pixel_scale for a grid where each dimension has a " "different pixel scale (e.g. pixel_scales[0] != pixel_scales[1])" ) @classmethod def from_grid_sparse_uniform_upscale( cls, grid_sparse_uniform: np.ndarray, upscale_factor: int, pixel_scales, shape_native=None, ) -> "Grid2DIrregularUniform": pixel_scales = geometry_util.convert_pixel_scales_2d(pixel_scales=pixel_scales) grid_upscaled_1d = grid_2d_util.grid_2d_slim_upscaled_from( grid_slim=np.array(grid_sparse_uniform), upscale_factor=upscale_factor, pixel_scales=pixel_scales, ) pixel_scales = ( pixel_scales[0] / upscale_factor, pixel_scales[1] / upscale_factor, ) return Grid2DIrregularUniform( values=grid_upscaled_1d, pixel_scales=pixel_scales, shape_native=shape_native, ) def grid_from(self, grid_slim: np.ndarray) -> "Grid2DIrregularUniform": """ Create a `Grid2DIrregularUniform` object from a 2D NumPy array of values of shape [total_coordinates, 2]. The `Grid2DIrregularUniform` are structured following this *GridIrregular2D* instance. """ return Grid2DIrregularUniform( values=grid_slim, pixel_scales=self.pixel_scales, shape_native=self.shape_native, ) def grid_2d_via_deflection_grid_from( self, deflection_grid: np.ndarray ) -> "Grid2DIrregularUniform": """ Returns a new Grid2DIrregular from this grid coordinates, where the (y,x) coordinates of this grid have a grid of (y,x) values, termed the deflection grid, subtracted from them to determine the new grid of (y,x) values. This is used by PyAutoLens to perform grid ray-tracing. Parameters ---------- deflection_grid The grid of (y,x) coordinates which is subtracted from this grid. """ return Grid2DIrregularUniform( values=self - deflection_grid, pixel_scales=self.pixel_scales, shape_native=self.shape_native, )