Source code for autogalaxy.profiles.mass.stellar.sersic

import copy
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from typing import List, Tuple

import autoarray as aa

from autogalaxy.profiles.mass.abstract.abstract import MassProfile
from autogalaxy.profiles.mass.abstract.mge import (
from autogalaxy.profiles.mass.abstract.cse import (
from autogalaxy.profiles.mass.stellar.abstract import StellarProfile

def cse_settings_from(
    effective_radius, sersic_index, sersic_constant, mass_to_light_gradient
    if mass_to_light_gradient > 0.5:
        if effective_radius > 0.2:
            lower_dex = 6.0
            upper_dex = np.min(
                [np.log10((18.0 / sersic_constant) ** sersic_index), 1.1]

            if sersic_index <= 1.2:
                total_cses = 50
                sample_points = 80
            elif sersic_index > 3.8:
                total_cses = 40
                sample_points = 50
                lower_dex = 6.5
                total_cses = 30
                sample_points = 50

            if sersic_index <= 1.2:
                upper_dex = 1.0
                total_cses = 50
                sample_points = 80
                lower_dex = 4.5

            elif sersic_index > 3.8:
                total_cses = 40
                sample_points = 50
                lower_dex = 6.0
                upper_dex = 1.5
                upper_dex = 1.1
                lower_dex = 6.0
                total_cses = 30
                sample_points = 50
        upper_dex = np.min(
                np.log10((23.0 / sersic_constant) ** sersic_index),
                0.85 - np.log10(effective_radius),

        if (sersic_index <= 0.9) and (sersic_index > 0.8):
            total_cses = 50
            sample_points = 80
            upper_dex = np.log10((18.0 / sersic_constant) ** sersic_index)
            lower_dex = 4.3 + np.log10(effective_radius)
        elif sersic_index <= 0.8:
            total_cses = 50
            sample_points = 80
            upper_dex = np.log10((16.0 / sersic_constant) ** sersic_index)
            lower_dex = 4.0 + np.log10(effective_radius)
        elif sersic_index > 3.8:
            total_cses = 40
            sample_points = 50
            lower_dex = 4.5 + np.log10(effective_radius)
            lower_dex = 3.5 + np.log10(effective_radius)
            total_cses = 30
            sample_points = 50

    return upper_dex, lower_dex, total_cses, sample_points

class AbstractSersic(MassProfile, MassProfileMGE, MassProfileCSE, StellarProfile):
    def __init__(
        centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
        ell_comps: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
        intensity: float = 0.1,
        effective_radius: float = 0.6,
        sersic_index: float = 0.6,
        mass_to_light_ratio: float = 1.0,
        The Sersic mass profile, the mass profiles of the light profiles that are used to fit and subtract the lens \
        model_galaxy's light.

            The (y,x) arc-second coordinates of the profile centre.
            The first and second ellipticity components of the elliptical coordinate system.
            Overall flux intensity normalisation in the light profiles (electrons per second).
            The radius containing half the light of this profile.
            Controls the concentration of the profile (lower -> less concentrated, higher -> more concentrated).
            The mass-to-light ratio of the light profiles
        super(AbstractSersic, self).__init__(centre=centre, ell_comps=ell_comps)
        super(MassProfile, self).__init__(centre=centre, ell_comps=ell_comps)
        super(MassProfileMGE, self).__init__()
        super(MassProfileCSE, self).__init__()
        self.mass_to_light_ratio = mass_to_light_ratio
        self.intensity = intensity
        self.effective_radius = effective_radius
        self.sersic_index = sersic_index

    def deflections_yx_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        if self.intensity == 0.0:
            return np.zeros((grid.shape[0], 2))

        return self.deflections_2d_via_cse_from(grid=grid, **kwargs)

    def deflections_2d_via_mge_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        Calculate the projected 2D deflection angles from a grid of (y,x) arc second coordinates, by computing and
        summing the convergence of each individual cse used to decompose the mass profile.

        The cored steep elliptical (cse) decomposition of a the elliptical NFW mass
        profile (e.g. `decompose_convergence_via_cse`) is using equation (12) of
        Oguri 2021 (

            The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the convergence is computed on.
        return self._deflections_2d_via_mge_from(
            grid=grid, sigmas_factor=np.sqrt(self.axis_ratio)

    def deflections_2d_via_cse_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        Calculate the projected 2D deflection angles from a grid of (y,x) arc second coordinates, by computing and
        summing the convergence of each individual cse used to decompose the mass profile.

        The cored steep elliptical (cse) decomposition of a the elliptical NFW mass
        profile (e.g. `decompose_convergence_via_cse`) is using equation (12) of
        Oguri 2021 (

            The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the convergence is computed on.
        return self._deflections_2d_via_cse_from(grid=grid, **kwargs)

    def convergence_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        """Calculate the projected convergence at a given set of arc-second gridded coordinates.

            The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the convergence is computed on.

        return self.convergence_func(
            self.eccentric_radii_grid_from(grid=grid, **kwargs)

    def convergence_2d_via_mge_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        Calculate the projected convergence at a given set of arc-second gridded coordinates.

            The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the convergence is computed on.


        eccentric_radii = self.eccentric_radii_grid_from(grid=grid, **kwargs)

        return self._convergence_2d_via_mge_from(grid_radii=eccentric_radii)

    def convergence_2d_via_cse_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        Calculate the projected 2D convergence from a grid of (y,x) arc second coordinates, by computing and summing
        the convergence of each individual cse used to decompose the mass profile.

        The cored steep elliptical (cse) decomposition of a the elliptical NFW mass
        profile (e.g. `decompose_convergence_via_cse`) is using equation (12) of
        Oguri 2021 (

            The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the convergence is computed on.

        elliptical_radii = self.elliptical_radii_grid_from(grid=grid, **kwargs)

        return self._convergence_2d_via_cse_from(grid_radii=elliptical_radii)

    def convergence_func(self, grid_radius: float) -> float:
        return self.mass_to_light_ratio * self.image_2d_via_radii_from(grid_radius)

    def potential_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs):
        return np.zeros(shape=grid.shape[0])

    def image_2d_via_radii_from(self, radius: np.ndarray):
        Returns the intensity of the profile at a given radius.

                The distance from the centre of the profile.
        return self.intensity * np.exp(
            * (((radius / self.effective_radius) ** (1.0 / self.sersic_index)) - 1)

    def decompose_convergence_via_mge(self) -> Tuple[List, List]:
        radii_min = self.effective_radius / 100.0
        radii_max = self.effective_radius * 20.0

        def sersic_2d(r):
            return (
                * self.intensity
                * np.exp(
                    * (((r / self.effective_radius) ** (1.0 / self.sersic_index)) - 1.0)

        return self._decompose_convergence_via_mge(
            func=sersic_2d, radii_min=radii_min, radii_max=radii_max

    def decompose_convergence_via_cse(
        self, grid_radii: np.ndarray
    ) -> Tuple[List, List]:
        Decompose the convergence of the Sersic profile into cored steep elliptical (cse) profiles.

        This decomposition uses the standard 2d profile of a Sersic mass profile.

            The function representing the profile that is decomposed into CSEs.
            The minimum radius to fit
            The maximum radius to fit
            The number of CSEs used to approximate the input func.
        sample_points: int (should be larger than 'total_cses')
            The number of data points to fit

        Tuple[List, List]
            A list of amplitudes and core radii of every cored steep elliptical (cse) the mass profile is decomposed

        upper_dex, lower_dex, total_cses, sample_points = cse_settings_from(

        scaled_effective_radius = self.effective_radius / np.sqrt(self.axis_ratio)
        radii_min = scaled_effective_radius / 10.0**lower_dex
        radii_max = scaled_effective_radius * 10.0**upper_dex

        def sersic_2d(r):
            return (
                * self.intensity
                * np.exp(
                    * (
                        ((r / scaled_effective_radius) ** (1.0 / self.sersic_index))
                        - 1.0

        return self._decompose_convergence_via_cse_from(

    def sersic_constant(self):
        """A parameter derived from Sersic index which ensures that effective radius contains 50% of the profile's
        total integrated light.
        return (
            (2 * self.sersic_index)
            - (1.0 / 3.0)
            + (4.0 / (405.0 * self.sersic_index))
            + (46.0 / (25515.0 * self.sersic_index**2))
            + (131.0 / (1148175.0 * self.sersic_index**3))
            - (2194697.0 / (30690717750.0 * self.sersic_index**4))

    def ellipticity_rescale(self):
        return 1.0 - ((1.0 - self.axis_ratio) / 2.0)

    def elliptical_effective_radius(self):
        The effective_radius of a Sersic light profile is defined as the circular effective radius. This is the \
        radius within which a circular aperture contains half the profiles's total integrated light. For elliptical \
        systems, this won't robustly capture the light profile's elliptical shape.

        The elliptical effective radius instead describes the major-axis radius of the ellipse containing \
        half the light, and may be more appropriate for highly flattened systems like disk galaxies.
        return self.effective_radius / np.sqrt(self.axis_ratio)

[docs] class Sersic(AbstractSersic, MassProfileMGE, MassProfileCSE):
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.to_vector_yx @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def deflections_2d_via_integral_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs): """ Calculate the deflection angles at a given set of arc-second gridded coordinates. Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the deflection angles are computed on. """ def calculate_deflection_component(npow, index): sersic_constant = self.sersic_constant deflection_grid = self.axis_ratio * grid[:, index] for i in range(grid.shape[0]): deflection_grid[i] *= ( self.intensity * self.mass_to_light_ratio * quad( self.deflection_func, a=0.0, b=1.0, args=( grid[i, 0], grid[i, 1], npow, self.axis_ratio, self.sersic_index, self.effective_radius, sersic_constant, ), )[0] ) return deflection_grid deflection_y = calculate_deflection_component(1.0, 0) deflection_x = calculate_deflection_component(0.0, 1) return self.rotated_grid_from_reference_frame_from( np.multiply(1.0, np.vstack((deflection_y, deflection_x)).T) )
@staticmethod def deflection_func( u, y, x, npow, axis_ratio, sersic_index, effective_radius, sersic_constant ): _eta_u = np.sqrt(axis_ratio) * np.sqrt( (u * ((x**2) + (y**2 / (1 - (1 - axis_ratio**2) * u)))) ) return np.exp( -sersic_constant * (((_eta_u / effective_radius) ** (1.0 / sersic_index)) - 1) ) / ((1 - (1 - axis_ratio**2) * u) ** (npow + 0.5))
[docs] class SersicSph(Sersic): def __init__( self, centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), intensity: float = 0.1, effective_radius: float = 0.6, sersic_index: float = 0.6, mass_to_light_ratio: float = 1.0, ): """ The Sersic mass profile, the mass profiles of the light profiles that are used to fit and subtract the lens model_galaxy's light. Parameters ---------- centre The (y,x) arc-second coordinates of the profile centre intensity Overall flux intensity normalisation in the light profiles (electrons per second) effective_radius The circular radius containing half the light of this profile. sersic_index Controls the concentration of the profile (lower -> less concentrated, higher -> more concentrated). mass_to_light_ratio The mass-to-light ratio of the light profile. """ super().__init__( centre=centre, ell_comps=(0.0, 0.0), intensity=intensity, effective_radius=effective_radius, sersic_index=sersic_index, mass_to_light_ratio=mass_to_light_ratio, )