Source code for

import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

import autoarray as aa

from import PowerLaw

def psi_from(grid, axis_ratio, core_radius):
    Returns the $\Psi$ term in expressions for the calculation of the deflection of an elliptical isothermal mass
    distribution. This is used in the `Isothermal` and `Chameleon` `MassProfile`'s.

    The expression for Psi is:

    $\Psi = \sqrt(q^2(s^2 + x^2) + y^2)$

        The (y,x) coordinates of the grid, in an arrays of shape (total_coordinates, 2)
            Ratio of profiles ellipse's minor and major axes (b/a)
        The radius of the inner core

        The value of the Psi term.

    return np.sqrt(
                axis_ratio**2.0, np.add(np.square(grid[:, 1]), core_radius**2.0)
            np.square(grid[:, 0]),

[docs] class Isothermal(PowerLaw): def __init__( self, centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), ell_comps: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius: float = 1.0, ): """ Represents an elliptical isothermal density distribution, which is equivalent to the elliptical power-law density distribution for the value slope = 2.0. Parameters ---------- centre The (y,x) arc-second coordinates of the profile centre. ell_comps The first and second ellipticity components of the elliptical coordinate system. einstein_radius The arc-second Einstein radius. """ super().__init__( centre=centre, ell_comps=ell_comps, einstein_radius=einstein_radius, slope=2.0, ) @property def axis_ratio(self): axis_ratio = super().axis_ratio return min(axis_ratio, 0.99999)
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.to_vector_yx @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def deflections_yx_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs): """ Calculate the deflection angles on a grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates. For coordinates (0.0, 0.0) the analytic calculation of the deflection angle gives a NaN. Therefore, coordinates at (0.0, 0.0) are shifted slightly to (1.0e-8, 1.0e-8). Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the deflection angles are computed on. """ factor = ( 2.0 * self.einstein_radius_rescaled * self.axis_ratio / np.sqrt(1 - self.axis_ratio**2) ) psi = psi_from(grid=grid, axis_ratio=self.axis_ratio, core_radius=0.0) deflection_y = np.arctanh( np.divide(np.multiply(np.sqrt(1 - self.axis_ratio**2), grid[:, 0]), psi) ) deflection_x = np.arctan( np.divide(np.multiply(np.sqrt(1 - self.axis_ratio**2), grid[:, 1]), psi) ) return self.rotated_grid_from_reference_frame_from( grid=np.multiply(factor, np.vstack((deflection_y, deflection_x)).T), **kwargs )
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.to_vector_yx @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def shear_yx_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs): """ Calculate the (gamma_y, gamma_x) shear vector field on a grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates. The result is returned as a `ShearYX2D` dats structure, which has shape [total_shear_vectors, 2], where entries for [:,0] are the gamma_2 values and entries for [:,1] are the gamma_1 values. Note therefore that this convention means the FIRST entries in the array are the gamma_2 values and the SECOND entries are the gamma_1 values. Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the deflection angles are computed on. """ convergence = self.convergence_2d_from(grid=grid, **kwargs) gamma_2 = ( -2 * convergence * np.divide(grid[:, 1] * grid[:, 0], grid[:, 1] ** 2 + grid[:, 0] ** 2) ) gamma_1 = -convergence * np.divide( grid[:, 1] ** 2 - grid[:, 0] ** 2, grid[:, 1] ** 2 + grid[:, 0] ** 2 ) shear_field = self.rotated_grid_from_reference_frame_from( grid=np.vstack((gamma_2, gamma_1)).T, angle=self.angle * 2 ) return aa.VectorYX2DIrregular(values=shear_field, grid=grid)
[docs] class IsothermalSph(Isothermal): def __init__( self, centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius: float = 1.0 ): """ Represents a spherical isothermal density distribution, which is equivalent to the spherical power-law density distribution for the value slope: float = 2.0 Parameters ---------- centre The (y,x) arc-second coordinates of the profile centre. einstein_radius The arc-second Einstein radius. """ super().__init__( centre=centre, ell_comps=(0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius=einstein_radius ) @property def axis_ratio(self): return 1.0
[docs] @aa.over_sample @aa.grid_dec.to_array @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def potential_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs): """ Calculate the potential on a grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates. Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the deflection angles are computed on. """ eta = self.elliptical_radii_grid_from(grid=grid, **kwargs) return 2.0 * self.einstein_radius_rescaled * eta
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.to_vector_yx @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def deflections_yx_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs): """ Calculate the deflection angles on a grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates. Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) arc-second coordinates the deflection angles are computed on. """ return self._cartesian_grid_via_radial_from( grid=grid, radius=np.full(grid.shape[0], 2.0 * self.einstein_radius_rescaled), **kwargs )