Source code for

import copy
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

import autoarray as aa

from autogalaxy.profiles.mass.abstract.abstract import MassProfile

[docs]class PowerLawBroken(MassProfile): def __init__( self, centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), ell_comps: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius: float = 1.0, inner_slope: float = 1.5, outer_slope: float = 2.5, break_radius: float = 0.01, ): """ Ell, homoeoidal mass model with an inner_slope and outer_slope, continuous in density across break_radius. Position angle is defined to be zero on x-axis and +ve angle rotates the lens anticlockwise The grid variable is a tuple of (theta_1, theta_2), where each theta_1, theta_2 is itself a 2D array of the x and y coordinates respectively.~ """ super().__init__(centre=centre, ell_comps=ell_comps) self.einstein_radius = einstein_radius self.einstein_radius_elliptical = np.sqrt(self.axis_ratio) * einstein_radius self.break_radius = break_radius self.inner_slope = inner_slope self.outer_slope = outer_slope # Parameters defined in the notes = break_radius / self.einstein_radius_elliptical self.dt = (2 - self.inner_slope) / (2 - self.outer_slope) # Normalisation (eq. 5) if < 1: self.kB = (2 - self.inner_slope) / ( (2 ***2) * (1 + self.dt * ( ** (self.outer_slope - 2) - 1)) ) else: self.kB = (2 - self.inner_slope) / (2 ***2)
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.grid_2d_to_structure @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def convergence_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike): """ Returns the dimensionless density kappa=Sigma/Sigma_c (eq. 1) """ # Ell radius radius = np.hypot(grid[:, 1] * self.axis_ratio, grid[:, 0]) # Inside break radius kappa_inner = self.kB * (self.break_radius / radius) ** self.inner_slope # Outside break radius kappa_outer = self.kB * (self.break_radius / radius) ** self.outer_slope return kappa_inner * (radius <= self.break_radius) + kappa_outer * ( radius > self.break_radius )
@aa.grid_dec.grid_2d_to_structure def potential_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike): return np.zeros(shape=grid.shape[0])
[docs] @aa.grid_dec.grid_2d_to_vector_yx @aa.grid_dec.grid_2d_to_structure @aa.grid_dec.transform @aa.grid_dec.relocate_to_radial_minimum def deflections_yx_2d_from(self, grid, max_terms=20): """ Returns the complex deflection angle from eq. 18 and 19 """ # Rotate coordinates z = grid[:, 1] + 1j * grid[:, 0] # Ell radius R = np.hypot(z.real * self.axis_ratio, z.imag) # Factors common to eq. 18 and 19 factors = ( 2 * self.kB * (self.break_radius**2) / (self.axis_ratio * z * (2 - self.inner_slope)) ) # Hypergeometric functions # (in order of appearance in eq. 18 and 19) # These can also be computed with scipy.special.hyp2f1(), it's # much slower can be a useful test F1 = self.hyp2f1_series( self.inner_slope, self.axis_ratio, R, z, max_terms=max_terms ) F2 = self.hyp2f1_series( self.inner_slope, self.axis_ratio, self.break_radius, z, max_terms=max_terms ) F3 = self.hyp2f1_series( self.outer_slope, self.axis_ratio, R, z, max_terms=max_terms ) F4 = self.hyp2f1_series( self.outer_slope, self.axis_ratio, self.break_radius, z, max_terms=max_terms ) # theta < break radius (eq. 18) inner_part = factors * F1 * (self.break_radius / R) ** (self.inner_slope - 2) # theta > break radius (eq. 19) outer_part = factors * ( F2 + self.dt * (((self.break_radius / R) ** (self.outer_slope - 2)) * F3 - F4) ) # Combine and take the conjugate deflections = ( inner_part * (R <= self.break_radius) + outer_part * (R > self.break_radius) ).conjugate() return self.rotated_grid_from_reference_frame_from( grid=np.multiply( 1.0, np.vstack((np.imag(deflections), np.real(deflections))).T ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def hyp2f1_series(t, q, r, z, max_terms=20): """ Computes eq. 26 for a radius r, slope t, axis ratio q, and coordinates z. """ # u from eq. 25 q_ = (1 - q**2) / (q**2) u = 0.5 * (1 - np.sqrt(1 - q_ * (r / z) ** 2)) # First coefficient a_n = 1.0 # Storage for sum F = np.zeros_like(z, dtype="complex64") for n in range(max_terms): F += a_n * (u**n) a_n *= ((2 * n) + 4 - (2 * t)) / ((2 * n) + 4 - t) return F
[docs]class PowerLawBrokenSph(PowerLawBroken): def __init__( self, centre: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius: float = 1.0, inner_slope: float = 1.5, outer_slope: float = 2.5, break_radius: float = 0.01, ): """ Ell, homoeoidal mass model with an inner_slope and outer_slope, continuous in density across break_radius. Position angle is defined to be zero on x-axis and +ve angle rotates the lens anticlockwise The grid variable is a tuple of (theta_1, theta_2), where each theta_1, theta_2 is itself a 2D array of the x and y coordinates respectively.~ """ super().__init__( centre=centre, ell_comps=(0.0, 0.0), einstein_radius=einstein_radius, inner_slope=inner_slope, outer_slope=outer_slope, break_radius=break_radius, )