Source code for autolens.imaging.fit_imaging

import copy
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from autoconf import cached_property

import autoarray as aa
import autogalaxy as ag

from autogalaxy.abstract_fit import AbstractFitInversion

from autolens.analysis.preloads import Preloads
from autolens.lens.tracer import Tracer
from autolens.lens.to_inversion import TracerToInversion

from autolens import exc

[docs] class FitImaging(aa.FitImaging, AbstractFitInversion): def __init__( self, dataset: aa.Imaging, tracer: Tracer, dataset_model : Optional[aa.DatasetModel] = None, adapt_images: Optional[ag.AdaptImages] = None, settings_inversion: aa.SettingsInversion = aa.SettingsInversion(), preloads: Preloads = Preloads(), run_time_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Fits an imaging dataset using a `Tracer` object. The fit performs the following steps: 1) Compute the sum of all images of galaxy light profiles in the `Tracer`. 2) Blur this with the imaging PSF to created the `blurred_image`. 3) Subtract this image from the `data` to create the `profile_subtracted_image`. 4) If the `Tracer` has any linear algebra objects (e.g. linear light profiles, a pixelization / regulariation) fit the `profile_subtracted_image` with these objects via an inversion. 5) Compute the `model_data` as the sum of the `blurred_image` and `reconstructed_data` of the inversion (if an inversion is not performed the `model_data` is only the `blurred_image`. 6) Subtract the `model_data` from the data and compute the residuals, chi-squared and likelihood via the noise-map (if an inversion is performed the `log_evidence`, including additional terms describing the linear algebra solution, is computed). When performing a `model-fit`via an `AnalysisImaging` object the `figure_of_merit` of this `FitImaging` object is called and returned in the `log_likelihood_function`. Parameters ---------- dataset The imaging dataset which is fitted by the galaxies in the tracer. tracer The tracer of galaxies whose light profile images are used to fit the imaging data. dataset_model Attributes which allow for parts of a dataset to be treated as a model (e.g. the background sky level). adapt_images Contains the adapt-images which are used to make a pixelization's mesh and regularization adapt to the reconstructed galaxy's morphology. settings_inversion Settings controlling how an inversion is fitted for example which linear algebra formalism is used. preloads Contains preloaded calculations (e.g. linear algebra matrices) which can skip certain calculations in the fit. run_time_dict A dictionary which if passed to the fit records how long function calls which have the `profile_func` decorator take to run. """ super().__init__(dataset=dataset, dataset_model=dataset_model, run_time_dict=run_time_dict) AbstractFitInversion.__init__( self=self, model_obj=tracer, settings_inversion=settings_inversion ) self.tracer = tracer self.adapt_images = adapt_images self.settings_inversion = settings_inversion self.preloads = preloads @cached_property def grids(self) -> aa.GridsInterface: grids = super().grids if grids.non_uniform is None: return grids uniform = aa.Grid2D( values=grids.non_uniform, mask=self.dataset.mask, over_sampling=self.dataset.over_sampling.non_uniform, over_sampling_non_uniform=self.dataset.over_sampling.non_uniform ) return aa.GridsInterface( uniform=uniform, non_uniform=grids.non_uniform, pixelization=grids.pixelization, blurring=grids.blurring, border_relocator=grids.border_relocator ) @property def blurred_image(self) -> aa.Array2D: """ Returns the image of all light profiles in the fit's tracer convolved with the imaging dataset's PSF. For certain lens models the blurred image does not change (for example when all light profiles in the tracer are fixed in the lens model). For faster run-times the blurred image can be preloaded. """ if self.preloads.blurred_image is None: return self.tracer.blurred_image_2d_from( grid=self.grids.uniform, convolver=self.dataset.convolver, blurring_grid=self.grids.blurring, ) return self.preloads.blurred_image @property def profile_subtracted_image(self) -> aa.Array2D: """ Returns the dataset's image with all blurred light profile images in the fit's tracer subtracted. """ return - self.blurred_image @property def tracer_to_inversion(self) -> TracerToInversion: dataset = aa.DatasetInterface( data=self.profile_subtracted_image, noise_map=self.noise_map, grids=self.grids, convolver=self.dataset.convolver, w_tilde=self.w_tilde, ) return TracerToInversion( dataset=dataset, tracer=self.tracer, adapt_images=self.adapt_images, settings_inversion=self.settings_inversion, preloads=self.preloads, run_time_dict=self.run_time_dict ) @cached_property def inversion(self) -> Optional[aa.AbstractInversion]: """ If the tracer has linear objects which are used to fit the data (e.g. a linear light profile / pixelization) this function returns a linear inversion, where the flux values of these objects (e.g. the `intensity` of linear light profiles) are computed via linear matrix algebra. The data passed to this function is the dataset's image with all light profile images of the tracer subtracted, ensuring that the inversion only fits the data with ordinary light profiles subtracted. """ if self.perform_inversion: return self.tracer_to_inversion.inversion @property def model_data(self) -> aa.Array2D: """ Returns the model-image that is used to fit the data. If the tracer does not have any linear objects and therefore omits an inversion, the model data is the sum of all light profile images blurred with the PSF. If a inversion is included it is the sum of this image and the inversion's reconstruction of the image. """ if self.perform_inversion: return self.blurred_image + self.inversion.mapped_reconstructed_data return self.blurred_image @property def galaxy_model_image_dict(self) -> Dict[ag.Galaxy, np.ndarray]: """ A dictionary which associates every galaxy in the tracer with its `model_image`. This image is the image of the sum of: - The images of all ordinary light profiles in that plane summed and convolved with the imaging data's PSF. - The images of all linear objects (e.g. linear light profiles / pixelizations), where the images are solved for first via the inversion. For modeling, this dictionary is used to set up the `adapt_images` that adaptmodel_images_of_planes_list certain pixelizations to the data being fitted. """ galaxy_blurred_image_2d_dict = self.tracer.galaxy_blurred_image_2d_dict_from( grid=self.grids.uniform, convolver=self.dataset.convolver, blurring_grid=self.grids.blurring, ) galaxy_linear_obj_image_dict = self.galaxy_linear_obj_data_dict_from( use_image=True ) return {**galaxy_blurred_image_2d_dict, **galaxy_linear_obj_image_dict} @property def subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict(self) -> Dict[ag.Galaxy, np.ndarray]: """ A dictionary which associates every galaxy in the tracer with its `subtracted image`. A subtracted image of a galaxy is the data where all other galaxy images are subtracted from it, therefore showing how a galaxy appears in the data in the absence of all other galaxies. This is used to visualize the contribution of each galaxy in the data. """ subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict = {} for (galaxy, galaxy_model_image) in self.galaxy_model_image_dict.items(): subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict[galaxy] = copy.copy( for (galaxy, galaxy_model_image) in self.galaxy_model_image_dict.items(): for (galaxy_other, galaxy_model_image_other) in self.galaxy_model_image_dict.items(): if galaxy != galaxy_other: subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict[galaxy] -= galaxy_model_image_other return subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict @property def subtracted_signal_to_noise_maps_of_galaxies_dict(self) -> Dict[ag.Galaxy, np.ndarray]: """ A dictionary which associates every galaxy in the tracer with its `subtracted image`. A subtracted image of a galaxy is the data where all other galaxy images are subtracted from it, therefore showing how a galaxy appears in the data in the absence of all other galaxies. This is used to visualize the contribution of each galaxy in the data. """ subtracted_signal_to_noise_maps_of_galaxies_dict = {} for (galaxy, subtracted_image) in self.subtracted_images_of_galaxies_dict.items(): subtracted_signal_to_noise_maps_of_galaxies_dict[galaxy] = subtracted_image / self.noise_map return subtracted_signal_to_noise_maps_of_galaxies_dict @property def model_images_of_planes_list(self) -> List[aa.Array2D]: """ A list of every model image of every plane in the tracer. This image is the image of the sum of: - The images of all ordinary light profiles in that plane summed and convolved with the imaging data's PSF. - The images of all linear objects (e.g. linear light profiles / pixelizations), where the images are solved for first via the inversion. This is used to visualize the different contibutions of light from the image-plane, source-plane and other planes in a fit. """ galaxy_model_image_dict = self.galaxy_model_image_dict model_images_of_planes_list = [ aa.Array2D( values=np.zeros(self.grids.uniform.shape_slim), mask=self.dataset.mask ) for i in range(self.tracer.total_planes) ] for plane_index, galaxies in enumerate(self.tracer.planes): for galaxy in galaxies: model_images_of_planes_list[plane_index] += galaxy_model_image_dict[ galaxy ] return model_images_of_planes_list @property def subtracted_images_of_planes_list(self) -> List[aa.Array2D]: """ A list of the subtracted image of every plane. A subtracted image of a plane is the data where all other plane images are subtracted from it, therefore showing how a plane appears in the data in the absence of all other planes. This is used to visualize the contribution of each plane in the data. """ # TODO: Check why this gives weird results via aggregator. subtracted_images_of_planes_list = [] model_images_of_planes_list = self.model_images_of_planes_list for galaxy_index in range(len(self.tracer.planes)): other_planes_model_images = [ model_image for i, model_image in enumerate(model_images_of_planes_list) if i != galaxy_index ] subtracted_image = - sum(other_planes_model_images) subtracted_images_of_planes_list.append(subtracted_image) return subtracted_images_of_planes_list @property def unmasked_blurred_image(self) -> aa.Array2D: """ The blurred image of the overall fit that would be evaluated without a mask being used. Linear objects are tied to the mask defined to used to perform the fit, therefore their unmasked blurred image cannot be computed. """ if self.tracer.has(cls=ag.lp_linear.LightProfileLinear): exc.raise_linear_light_profile_in_unmasked() return self.tracer.unmasked_blurred_image_2d_from( grid=self.grids.uniform, psf=self.dataset.psf ) @property def unmasked_blurred_image_of_planes_list(self) -> List[aa.Array2D]: """ The blurred image of every galaxy in the tracer used in this fit, that would be evaluated without a mask being used. Linear objects are tied to the mask defined to used to perform the fit, therefore their unmasked blurred image cannot be computed. """ if self.tracer.has(cls=ag.lp_linear.LightProfileLinear): exc.raise_linear_light_profile_in_unmasked() return self.tracer.unmasked_blurred_image_2d_list_from( grid=self.grids.uniform, psf=self.dataset.psf ) @property def tracer_linear_light_profiles_to_light_profiles(self) -> Tracer: """ The `Tracer` where all linear light profiles have been converted to ordinary light profiles, where their `intensity` values are set to the values inferred by this fit. This is typically used for visualization, because linear light profiles cannot be used in `LightProfilePlotter` or `GalaxyPlotter` objects. """ return self.model_obj_linear_light_profiles_to_light_profiles
[docs] def refit_with_new_preloads( self, preloads: Preloads, settings_inversion: Optional[aa.SettingsInversion] = None, ) -> "FitImaging": """ Returns a new fit which uses the dataset, tracer and other objects of this fit, but uses a different set of preloads input into this function. This is used when setting up the preloads objects, to concisely test how using different preloads objects changes the attributes of the fit. Parameters ---------- preloads The new preloads which are used to refit the data using the settings_inversion Settings controlling how an inversion is fitted for example which linear algebra formalism is used. Returns ------- A new fit which has used new preloads input into this function but the same dataset, tracer and other settings. """ run_time_dict = {} if self.run_time_dict is not None else None settings_inversion = ( self.settings_inversion if settings_inversion is None else settings_inversion ) return FitImaging( dataset=self.dataset, tracer=self.tracer, dataset_model=self.dataset_model, adapt_images=self.adapt_images, settings_inversion=settings_inversion, preloads=preloads, run_time_dict=run_time_dict, )