Source code for autoarray.inversion.pixelization.image_mesh.overlay

from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

    from autoarray.structures.grids.uniform_2d import Grid2D

from autoarray.inversion.pixelization.image_mesh.abstract import AbstractImageMesh
from autoarray.structures.grids.irregular_2d import Grid2DIrregular

from autoarray.geometry import geometry_util
from autoarray.structures.grids import grid_2d_util
from autoarray import numba_util

def total_pixels_2d_from(mask_2d: np.ndarray, overlaid_centres: np.ndarray) -> int:
    Returns the total number of pixels on the overlaid grid which are within the mask.

        The mask within which pixelization pixels must be inside
        The centres of the unmasked pixelization grid pixels.

    total_pixels = 0

    for overlaid_pixel_index in range(overlaid_centres.shape[0]):
        y = overlaid_centres[overlaid_pixel_index, 0]
        x = overlaid_centres[overlaid_pixel_index, 1]

        if not mask_2d[y, x]:
            total_pixels += 1

    return total_pixels

def overlay_for_mask_from(
    total_pixels: int,
    mask: np.ndarray,
    overlaid_centres: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Returns the mapping between every masked pixel on a grid and a set of pixel centres corresponding to a grid
    which is laid over the masked grid.

    The overlaid grid is unmasked and therefore has coordinates extending beyond the masked grid. Only pixels
    within the masked grid are returned.

    This is performed by checking whether each pixel's centre is within the masks and then mapping their indexes.

        The total number of pixels in the overlaid grid which fall within the masked grid's mask.
        The masks within which the overlaid pixels must be inside
        The centres of the overlaid grid pixels.

    overlay_for_mask = np.zeros(total_pixels)

    pixel_index = 0

    for full_pixel_index in range(overlaid_centres.shape[0]):
        y = overlaid_centres[full_pixel_index, 0]
        x = overlaid_centres[full_pixel_index, 1]

        if not mask[y, x]:
            overlay_for_mask[pixel_index] = full_pixel_index
            pixel_index += 1

    return overlay_for_mask

def mask_for_overlay_from(
    mask: np.ndarray,
    overlaid_centres: np.ndarray,
    total_pixels: int,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Returns the mapping between every overlaid grid pixel and masked pixel on a grid.

    The overlaid grid is unmasked and therefore has coordinates extending beyond the masked grid. Only pixels
    within the masked grid are returned.

    This is performed by checking whether each pixel's centre is within the masks and then mapping their indexes.

    Pixels are paired with the next masked pixel index. This may mean that a pixel is not paired with a
    pixel near it, if the next pixel is on the next row of the grid. This is not a problem, as it is only
    unmasked pixels that are referenced when perform certain mapping where this information is not required.

        The masks within which pixelization pixels must be inside
        The centres of the unmasked pixelization grid pixels.
        The total number of pixels in the overlaid grid which fall within the masks.

    total_overlaid_pixels = overlaid_centres.shape[0]

    mask_for_overlay = np.zeros(total_overlaid_pixels)
    pixel_index = 0

    for unmasked_sparse_pixel_index in range(total_overlaid_pixels):
        y = overlaid_centres[unmasked_sparse_pixel_index, 0]
        x = overlaid_centres[unmasked_sparse_pixel_index, 1]

        mask_for_overlay[unmasked_sparse_pixel_index] = pixel_index

        if not mask[y, x]:
            if pixel_index < total_pixels - 1:
                pixel_index += 1

    return mask_for_overlay

def overlay_via_unmasked_overlaid_from(
    unmasked_overlay_grid: np.ndarray, overlay_for_mask: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
    Use the unmasked overlaid grid of (y,x) coordinates and the already computed mapping between these grid pixels to
    the 1D overlaid grid indexes to compute the masked overlaid grid of (y,x) coordinates.

        The (y,x) coordinate grid of every unmasked sparse grid pixel.
        The index mapping between every unmasked sparse 1D index and masked sparse 1D index.

        The masked sparse grid of (y,x) Cartesian coordinates.
    total_pix_pixels = overlay_for_mask.shape[0]

    pix_grid = np.zeros((total_pix_pixels, 2))

    for pixel_index in range(total_pix_pixels):
        pix_grid[pixel_index, 0] = unmasked_overlay_grid[
            overlay_for_mask[pixel_index], 0
        pix_grid[pixel_index, 1] = unmasked_overlay_grid[
            overlay_for_mask[pixel_index], 1

    return pix_grid

[docs]class Overlay(AbstractImageMesh): def __init__(self, shape=(3, 3)): """ Computes an image-mesh by overlaying a uniform grid of (y,x) coordinates over the masked image that the pixelization is fitting. For example, the masked image data may consist of a 2D annular region. This image mesh class determines the image-mesh grid as follows: 1) Overlay a uniform grid of dimensions `shape` over the annular mask, covering its four extreme (y,x) coordinates (e.g. max(x), min(x), max(y), min(y)). 2) Find all pixels in the overlaid uniform grid which are contained within the annular mask, discarding all other pixels. Parameters ---------- shape The 2D shape of the grid which is overlaid over the grid to determine the image mesh. """ super().__init__() self.shape = (int(shape[0]), int(shape[1]))
[docs] def image_plane_mesh_grid_from( self, grid: Grid2D, adapt_data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, settings=None ) -> Grid2DIrregular: """ Returns an image-mesh by overlaying a uniform grid of (y,x) coordinates over the masked image that the pixelization is fitting. See the `__init__` docstring for a full description of how this is performed. Parameters ---------- grid The grid of (y,x) coordinates of the image data the pixelization fits, which the overlay grid is laid over. adapt_data Not used by this image mesh. """ pixel_scales = grid.mask.pixel_scales pixel_scales = ( (grid.shape_native_scaled_interior[0] + pixel_scales[0]) / (self.shape[0]), (grid.shape_native_scaled_interior[1] + pixel_scales[1]) / (self.shape[1]), ) origin = grid.mask.mask_centre unmasked_overlay_grid = grid_2d_util.grid_2d_slim_via_shape_native_from( shape_native=self.shape, pixel_scales=pixel_scales, sub_size=1, origin=origin, ) overlaid_centres = geometry_util.grid_pixel_centres_2d_slim_from( grid_scaled_2d_slim=unmasked_overlay_grid, shape_native=grid.mask.shape_native, pixel_scales=grid.mask.pixel_scales, ).astype("int") total_pixels = total_pixels_2d_from( mask_2d=grid.mask.array, overlaid_centres=overlaid_centres, ) overlay_for_mask = overlay_for_mask_from( total_pixels=total_pixels, mask=grid.mask.array, overlaid_centres=overlaid_centres, ).astype("int") mesh_grid = overlay_via_unmasked_overlaid_from( unmasked_overlay_grid=unmasked_overlay_grid, overlay_for_mask=overlay_for_mask, ) return Grid2DIrregular(values=mesh_grid)
@property def uses_adapt_images(self) -> bool: return False