Source code for autoarray.inversion.pixelization.mesh.rectangular

import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from autoarray.structures.grids.uniform_2d import Grid2D
from autoarray.structures.mesh.rectangular_2d import Mesh2DRectangular
from autoarray.preloads import Preloads
from autoarray.inversion.pixelization.mappers.mapper_grids import MapperGrids
from autoarray.inversion.pixelization.mesh.abstract import AbstractMesh

from autoarray import exc
from autoarray.numba_util import profile_func

[docs]class Rectangular(AbstractMesh): def __init__(self, shape: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3)): """ A uniform mesh of rectangular pixels, which without interpolation are paired with a 2D grid of (y,x) coordinates. For a full description of how a mesh is paired with another grid, see the :meth:`Pixelization API documentation <autoarray.inversion.pixelization.pixelization.Pixelization>`. The rectangular grid is uniform, has dimensions (total_y_pixels, total_x_pixels) and has indexing beginning in the top-left corner and going rightwards and downwards. A ``Pixelization`` using a ``Rectangular`` mesh has three grids associated with it: - ``image_plane_data_grid``: The observed data grid in the image-plane (which is paired with the mesh in the source-plane). - ``source_plane_data_grid``: The observed data grid mapped to the source-plane after gravitational lensing. - ``source_plane_mesh_grid``: The centres of each rectangular pixel. It does not have a ``image_plane_mesh_grid`` because a rectangular pixelization is constructed by overlaying a grid of rectangular over the `source_plane_data_grid`. Each (y,x) coordinate in the `source_plane_data_grid` is associated with the rectangular pixelization pixel it falls within. No interpolation is performed when making these associations. Parameters ---------- shape The 2D dimensions of the rectangular grid of pixels (total_y_pixels, total_x_pixel). """ if shape[0] <= 2 or shape[1] <= 2: raise exc.MeshException( "The rectangular pixelization must be at least dimensions 3x3" ) self.shape = (int(shape[0]), int(shape[1])) self.pixels = self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] super().__init__() self.run_time_dict = {} @property def uses_interpolation(self) -> bool: """ Does this ``Mesh`` object use interpolation when pairing with another 2D grid? """ return False
[docs] def mapper_grids_from( self, source_plane_data_grid: Grid2D, source_plane_mesh_grid: Grid2D = None, image_plane_mesh_grid: Grid2D = None, adapt_data: np.ndarray = None, relocate_pix_border: bool = False, preloads: Preloads = Preloads(), run_time_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> MapperGrids: """ Mapper objects describe the mappings between pixels in the masked 2D data and the pixels in a pixelization, in both the `data` and `source` frames. This function returns a `MapperRectangularNoInterp` as follows: 1) If `relocate_pix_border=True`, the border of the input `source_plane_data_grid` is used to relocate all of the grid's (y,x) coordinates beyond the border to the edge of the border. 2) Determine the (y,x) coordinates of the pixelization's rectangular pixels, by laying this rectangular grid over the 2D grid of relocated (y,x) coordinates computed in step 1 (or the input `source_plane_data_grid` if step 1 is bypassed). 3) Return the `MapperRectangularNoInterp`. Parameters ---------- source_plane_data_grid A 2D grid of (y,x) coordinates associated with the unmasked 2D data after it has been transformed to the `source` reference frame. source_plane_mesh_grid Not used for a rectangular pixelization, because the pixelization grid in the `source` frame is computed by overlaying the `source_plane_data_grid` with the rectangular pixelization. image_plane_mesh_grid Not used for a rectangular pixelization. adapt_data Not used for a rectangular pixelization. relocate_pix_border If `True`, all coordinates of all pixelization source mesh grids have pixels outside their border relocated to their edge. preloads Object which may contain preloaded arrays of quantities computed in the pixelization, which are passed via this object speed up the calculation. run_time_dict A dictionary which contains timing of certain functions calls which is used for profiling. """ self.run_time_dict = run_time_dict relocated_grid = self.relocated_grid_from( source_plane_data_grid=source_plane_data_grid, relocate_pix_border=relocate_pix_border, preloads=preloads, ) mesh_grid = self.mesh_grid_from(source_plane_data_grid=relocated_grid) return MapperGrids( source_plane_data_grid=relocated_grid, source_plane_mesh_grid=mesh_grid, image_plane_mesh_grid=image_plane_mesh_grid, adapt_data=adapt_data, preloads=preloads, run_time_dict=run_time_dict, )
[docs] @profile_func def mesh_grid_from( self, source_plane_data_grid: Optional[Grid2D] = None, source_plane_mesh_grid: Optional[Grid2D] = None, ) -> Mesh2DRectangular: """ Return the rectangular `source_plane_mesh_grid` as a `Mesh2DRectangular` object, which provides additional functionality for perform operatons that exploit the geometry of a rectangular pixelization. Parameters ---------- source_plane_data_grid The (y,x) grid of coordinates over which the rectangular pixelization is overlaid, where this grid may have had exterior pixels relocated to its edge via the border. source_plane_mesh_grid Not used for a rectangular pixelization, because the pixelization grid in the `source` frame is computed by overlaying the `source_plane_data_grid` with the rectangular pixelization. """ return Mesh2DRectangular.overlay_grid( shape_native=self.shape, grid=source_plane_data_grid )
@property def requires_image_mesh(self): return False