Source code for autoarray.operators.convolver

from autoarray import numba_util
import numpy as np

from autoarray.structures.arrays.uniform_2d import Array2D

from autoarray import exc
from autoarray.mask import mask_2d_util

[docs]class Convolver: def __init__(self, mask, kernel): """ Class to setup the 1D convolution of an / mapping matrix. Take a simple 3x3 and masks: [[2, 8, 2], [5, 7, 5], [3, 1, 4]] [[True, False, True], (True means that the value is masked) [False, False, False], [True, False, True]] A set of values in a corresponding 1d array of this might be represented as: [2, 8, 2, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1, 4] and after masking as: [8, 5, 7, 5, 1] Setup is required to perform 2D real-space convolution on the masked array. This module finds the \ relationship between the unmasked 2D data, masked data and kernel, so that 2D real-space convolutions \ can be efficiently applied to reduced 1D masked structures. This calculation also accounts for the blurring of light outside of the masked regions which blurs into \ the masked region. **IMAGE FRAMES:** For a masked in 2D, one can compute for every pixel all of the unmasked pixels it will blur light into for \ a given PSF kernel size, e.g.: IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI This is an imaging.Mask2D, where: IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI x = `True` (Pixel is masked and excluded from lens) IxIxIxIoIoIoIxIxIxIxI o = `False` (Pixel is not masked and included in lens) IxIxIxIoIoIoIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIoIoIoIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI Here, there are 9 unmasked pixels. Indexing of each unmasked pixel goes from the top-left corner right and \ downwards, therefore: IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxI0I1I2IxIxIxIxI IxIxIxI3I4I5IxIxIxIxI IxIxIxI6I7I8IxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI For every unmasked pixel, the Convolver over-lays the PSF and computes three quantities; image_frame_indexes - The indexes of all masked pixels it will blur light into. image_frame_kernels - The kernel values that overlap each masked pixel it will blur light into. image_frame_length - The number of masked pixels it will blur light into (unmasked pixels are excluded) For example, if we had the following 3x3 kernel: I0.1I0.2I0.3I I0.4I0.5I0.6I I0.7I0.8I0.9I For pixel 0 above, when we overlap the kernel 4 unmasked pixels overlap this kernel, such that: image_frame_indexes = [0, 1, 3, 4] image_frame_kernels = [0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9] image_frame_length = 4 Noting that the other 5 kernel values (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7) overlap masked pixels and are thus discarded. For pixel 1, we get the following results: image_frame_indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] image_frame_kernels = [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] image_frame_lengths = 6 In the majority of cases, the kernel will overlap only unmasked pixels. This is the case above for \ central pixel 4, where: image_frame_indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] image_frame_kernels = [0,1, 0.2, 0,3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] image_frame_lengths = 9 Once we have set up all these quantities, the convolution routine simply uses them to convolve a 1D array of a masked or the masked of a util in the inversion module. **BLURRING FRAMES:** Whilst the scheme above accounts for all blurred light within the masks, it does not account for the fact that \ pixels outside of the masks will also blur light into it. This effect is accounted for using blurring frames. It is omitted for mapping matrix blurring, as an inversion does not fit data outside of the masks. First, a blurring masks is computed from a masks, which describes all pixels which are close enough to the masks \ to blur light into it for a given kernel size. Following the example above, the following blurring masks is \ computed: IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI This is an example grid.Mask2D, where: IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIoIoIoIoIoIxIxIxI x = `True` (Pixel is masked and excluded from lens) IxIxIoIxIxIxIoIxIxIxI o = `False` (Pixel is not masked and included in lens) IxIxIoIxIxIxIoIxIxIxI IxIxIoIxIxIxIoIxIxIxI IxIxIoIoIoIoIoIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI IxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxIxI Indexing again goes from the top-left corner right and downwards: IxIxI xI xI xI xI xIxIxIxI IxIxI xI xI xI xI xIxIxIxI IxIxI xI xI xI xI xIxIxIxI IxIxI 0I 1I 2I 3I 4IxIxIxI IxIxI 5I xI xI xI 6IxIxIxI IxIxI 7I xI xI xI 8IxIxIxI IxIxI 9I xI xI xI10IxIxIxI IxIxI11I12I13I14I15IxIxIxI IxIxI xI xI xI xI xIxIxIxI IxIxI xI xI xI xI xIxIxIxI For every unmasked blurring-pixel, the Convolver over-lays the PSF kernel and computes three quantities; blurring_frame_indexes - The indexes of all unmasked pixels (not unmasked blurring pixels) it will \ blur light into. bluring_frame_kernels - The kernel values that overlap each pixel it will blur light into. blurring_frame_length - The number of pixels it will blur light into. The blurring frame therefore does not perform any blurring which blurs light into other blurring pixels. \ It only performs computations which add light inside of the masks. For pixel 0 above, when we overlap the 3x3 kernel above only 1 unmasked pixels overlaps the kernel, such that: blurring_frame_indexes = [0] (This 0 refers to pixel 0 within the masks, not blurring_frame_pixel 0) blurring_frame_kernels = [0.9] blurring_frame_length = 1 For pixel 1 above, when we overlap the 3x3 kernel above 2 unmasked pixels overlap the kernel, such that: blurring_frame_indexes = [0, 1] (This 0 and 1 refer to pixels 0 and 1 within the masks) blurring_frame_kernels = [0.8, 0.9] blurring_frame_length = 2 For pixel 3 above, when we overlap the 3x3 kernel above 3 unmasked pixels overlap the kernel, such that: blurring_frame_indexes = [0, 1, 2] (Again, these are pixels 0, 1 and 2) blurring_frame_kernels = [0.7, 0.8, 0.9] blurring_frame_length = 3 Parameters ---------- mask The mask within which the convolved signal is calculated. blurring_mask A masks of pixels outside the masks but whose light blurs into it after PSF convolution. kernel : grid.PSF or ndarray An array representing a PSF. """ if kernel.shape_native[0] % 2 == 0 or kernel.shape_native[1] % 2 == 0: raise exc.KernelException("PSF kernel must be odd") self.mask = mask self.mask_index_array = np.full(mask.shape, -1) self.pixels_in_mask = int(np.size(mask) - np.sum(mask)) count = 0 for x in range(mask.shape[0]): for y in range(mask.shape[1]): if not mask[x, y]: self.mask_index_array[x, y] = count count += 1 self.kernel = kernel self.kernel_max_size = self.kernel.shape_native[0] * self.kernel.shape_native[1] mask_1d_index = 0 self.image_frame_1d_indexes = np.zeros( (self.pixels_in_mask, self.kernel_max_size), dtype="int" ) self.image_frame_1d_kernels = np.zeros( (self.pixels_in_mask, self.kernel_max_size) ) self.image_frame_1d_lengths = np.zeros((self.pixels_in_mask), dtype="int") for x in range(self.mask_index_array.shape[0]): for y in range(self.mask_index_array.shape[1]): if not mask[x][y]: ( image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels, ) = self.frame_at_coordinates_jit( coordinates=(x, y), mask=np.array(mask), mask_index_array=self.mask_index_array, kernel_2d=np.array(self.kernel.native[:, :]), ) self.image_frame_1d_indexes[ mask_1d_index, : ] = image_frame_1d_indexes self.image_frame_1d_kernels[ mask_1d_index, : ] = image_frame_1d_kernels self.image_frame_1d_lengths[mask_1d_index] = image_frame_1d_indexes[ image_frame_1d_indexes >= 0 ].shape[0] mask_1d_index += 1 self.blurring_mask = mask_2d_util.blurring_mask_2d_from( mask_2d=np.array(mask), kernel_shape_native=kernel.shape_native, ) self.pixels_in_blurring_mask = int( np.size(self.blurring_mask) - np.sum(self.blurring_mask) ) mask_1d_index = 0 self.blurring_frame_1d_indexes = np.zeros( (self.pixels_in_blurring_mask, self.kernel_max_size), dtype="int" ) self.blurring_frame_1d_kernels = np.zeros( (self.pixels_in_blurring_mask, self.kernel_max_size) ) self.blurring_frame_1d_lengths = np.zeros( (self.pixels_in_blurring_mask), dtype="int" ) for x in range(mask.shape[0]): for y in range(mask.shape[1]): if mask[x][y] and not self.blurring_mask[x, y]: ( image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels, ) = self.frame_at_coordinates_jit( coordinates=(x, y), mask=np.array(mask), mask_index_array=np.array(self.mask_index_array), kernel_2d=np.array(self.kernel.native), ) self.blurring_frame_1d_indexes[ mask_1d_index, : ] = image_frame_1d_indexes self.blurring_frame_1d_kernels[ mask_1d_index, : ] = image_frame_1d_kernels self.blurring_frame_1d_lengths[ mask_1d_index ] = image_frame_1d_indexes[image_frame_1d_indexes >= 0].shape[0] mask_1d_index += 1
[docs] @staticmethod @numba_util.jit() def frame_at_coordinates_jit(coordinates, mask, mask_index_array, kernel_2d): """ Returns the frame (indexes of pixels light is blurred into) and kernel_frame (kernel kernel values of those \ pixels) for a given coordinate in a masks and its PSF. Parameters ---------- coordinates: Tuple[int, int] The coordinates of mask_index_array on which the frame should be centred kernel_shape_native: Tuple[int, int] The shape of the kernel for which this frame will be used """ kernel_shape_native = kernel_2d.shape kernel_max_size = kernel_shape_native[0] * kernel_shape_native[1] half_x = int(kernel_shape_native[0] / 2) half_y = int(kernel_shape_native[1] / 2) frame = -1 * np.ones((kernel_max_size)) kernel_frame = -1.0 * np.ones((kernel_max_size)) count = 0 for i in range(kernel_shape_native[0]): for j in range(kernel_shape_native[1]): x = coordinates[0] - half_x + i y = coordinates[1] - half_y + j if ( 0 <= x < mask_index_array.shape[0] and 0 <= y < mask_index_array.shape[1] ): value = mask_index_array[x, y] if value >= 0 and not mask[x, y]: frame[count] = value kernel_frame[count] = kernel_2d[i, j] count += 1 return frame, kernel_frame
[docs] def convolve_image(self, image, blurring_image): """ For a given 1D array and blurring array, convolve the two using this convolver. Parameters ---------- image 1D array of the values which are to be blurred with the convolver's PSF. blurring_image 1D array of the blurring values which blur into the array after PSF convolution. """ if self.blurring_mask is None: raise exc.KernelException( "You cannot use the convolve_image function of a Convolver if the Convolver was" "not created with a blurring_mask." ) convolved_image = self.convolve_jit( image_1d_array=np.array(image.binned.slim), image_frame_1d_indexes=self.image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels=self.image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths=self.image_frame_1d_lengths, blurring_1d_array=np.array(blurring_image.binned.slim), blurring_frame_1d_indexes=self.blurring_frame_1d_indexes, blurring_frame_1d_kernels=self.blurring_frame_1d_kernels, blurring_frame_1d_lengths=self.blurring_frame_1d_lengths, ) return Array2D(values=convolved_image, mask=self.mask.derive_mask.sub_1)
@staticmethod @numba_util.jit() def convolve_jit( image_1d_array, image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths, blurring_1d_array, blurring_frame_1d_indexes, blurring_frame_1d_kernels, blurring_frame_1d_lengths, ): blurred_image_1d = np.zeros(image_1d_array.shape) for image_1d_index in range(len(image_1d_array)): frame_1d_indexes = image_frame_1d_indexes[image_1d_index] frame_1d_kernel = image_frame_1d_kernels[image_1d_index] frame_1d_length = image_frame_1d_lengths[image_1d_index] image_value = image_1d_array[image_1d_index] for kernel_1d_index in range(frame_1d_length): vector_index = frame_1d_indexes[kernel_1d_index] kernel_value = frame_1d_kernel[kernel_1d_index] blurred_image_1d[vector_index] += image_value * kernel_value for blurring_1d_index in range(len(blurring_1d_array)): frame_1d_indexes = blurring_frame_1d_indexes[blurring_1d_index] frame_1d_kernel = blurring_frame_1d_kernels[blurring_1d_index] frame_1d_length = blurring_frame_1d_lengths[blurring_1d_index] image_value = blurring_1d_array[blurring_1d_index] for kernel_1d_index in range(frame_1d_length): vector_index = frame_1d_indexes[kernel_1d_index] kernel_value = frame_1d_kernel[kernel_1d_index] blurred_image_1d[vector_index] += image_value * kernel_value return blurred_image_1d
[docs] def convolve_image_no_blurring(self, image): """For a given 1D array and blurring array, convolve the two using this convolver. Parameters ---------- image 1D array of the values which are to be blurred with the convolver's PSF. """ convolved_image = self.convolve_no_blurring_jit( image_1d_array=np.array(image.binned.slim), image_frame_1d_indexes=self.image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels=self.image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths=self.image_frame_1d_lengths, ) return Array2D(values=convolved_image, mask=self.mask.derive_mask.sub_1)
[docs] def convolve_image_no_blurring_interpolation(self, image): """For a given 1D array and blurring array, convolve the two using this convolver. Parameters ---------- image 1D array of the values which are to be blurred with the convolver's PSF. """ convolved_image = self.convolve_no_blurring_jit( image_1d_array=image, image_frame_1d_indexes=self.image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels=self.image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths=self.image_frame_1d_lengths, ) return Array2D(values=convolved_image, mask=self.mask.derive_mask.sub_1)
@staticmethod @numba_util.jit() def convolve_no_blurring_jit( image_1d_array, image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths, ): blurred_image_1d = np.zeros(image_1d_array.shape) for image_1d_index in range(len(image_1d_array)): frame_1d_indexes = image_frame_1d_indexes[image_1d_index] frame_1d_kernel = image_frame_1d_kernels[image_1d_index] frame_1d_length = image_frame_1d_lengths[image_1d_index] image_value = image_1d_array[image_1d_index] for kernel_1d_index in range(frame_1d_length): vector_index = frame_1d_indexes[kernel_1d_index] kernel_value = frame_1d_kernel[kernel_1d_index] blurred_image_1d[vector_index] += image_value * kernel_value return blurred_image_1d
[docs] def convolve_mapping_matrix(self, mapping_matrix): """For a given inversion mapping matrix, convolve every pixel's mapped with the PSF kernel. A mapping matrix provides non-zero entries in all elements which map two pixels to one another (see *inversions.mappers*). For example, lets take an which is masked using a 'cross' of 5 pixels: [[ True, False, True]], [[False, False, False]], [[ True, False, True]] As example mapping matrix of this cross is as follows (5 pixels x 3 source pixels): [1, 0, 0] [0->0] [1, 0, 0] [1->0] [0, 1, 0] [2->1] [0, 1, 0] [3->1] [0, 0, 1] [4->2] For each source-pixel, we can create an of its unit-surface brightnesses by util the non-zero entries back to masks. For example, doing this for source pixel 1 gives: [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]] [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] And source pixel 2: [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 1.0]] [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] We then convolve each of these with our PSF kernel, in 2 dimensions, like we would a grid. For example, using the kernel below: kernel: [[0.0, 0.1, 0.0]] [[0.1, 0.6, 0.1]] [[0.0, 0.1, 0.0]] Blurred Source Pixel 1 (we don't need to perform the convolution into masked pixels): [[0.0, 0.6, 0.0]], [[0.6, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] Blurred Source pixel 2: [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.7, 0.7]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] Finally, we map each of these blurred back to a blurred mapping matrix, which is analogous to the mapping matrix. [0.6, 0.0, 0.0] [0->0] [0.6, 0.0, 0.0] [1->0] [0.0, 0.7, 0.0] [2->1] [0.0, 0.7, 0.0] [3->1] [0.0, 0.0, 0.6] [4->2] If the mapping matrix is sub-gridded, we perform the convolution on the fractional surface brightnesses in an identical fashion to above. Parameters ---------- mapping_matrix The 2D mapping matrix describing how every inversion pixel maps to a pixel on the data pixel. """ return self.convolve_matrix_jit( mapping_matrix=mapping_matrix, image_frame_1d_indexes=self.image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels=self.image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths=self.image_frame_1d_lengths, )
@staticmethod @numba_util.jit() def convolve_matrix_jit( mapping_matrix, image_frame_1d_indexes, image_frame_1d_kernels, image_frame_1d_lengths, ): blurred_mapping_matrix = np.zeros(mapping_matrix.shape) for pixel_1d_index in range(mapping_matrix.shape[1]): for image_1d_index in range(mapping_matrix.shape[0]): value = mapping_matrix[image_1d_index, pixel_1d_index] if value > 0: frame_1d_indexes = image_frame_1d_indexes[image_1d_index] frame_1d_kernel = image_frame_1d_kernels[image_1d_index] frame_1d_length = image_frame_1d_lengths[image_1d_index] for kernel_1d_index in range(frame_1d_length): vector_index = frame_1d_indexes[kernel_1d_index] kernel_value = frame_1d_kernel[kernel_1d_index] blurred_mapping_matrix[vector_index, pixel_1d_index] += ( value * kernel_value ) return blurred_mapping_matrix