Source code for

import numpy as np
import logging
import os
import sys
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from autofit import jax_wrapper
from autofit.database.sqlalchemy_ import sa

from autoconf import conf
from autofit.mapper.prior_model.abstract import AbstractPriorModel
from import Fitness
from autofit.non_linear.paths.null import NullPaths
from import abstract_nest
from autofit.non_linear.samples.sample import Sample
from autofit.non_linear.samples.nest import SamplesNest

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def prior_transform(cube, model):
    return model.vector_from_unit_vector(unit_vector=cube, ignore_prior_limits=True)

[docs] class Nautilus(abstract_nest.AbstractNest): __identifier_fields__ = ( "n_live", "n_update", "enlarge_per_dim", "n_points_min", "split_threshold", "n_networks", "n_like_new_bound", "seed", "n_shell", "n_eff", ) def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, path_prefix: Optional[str] = None, unique_tag: Optional[str] = None, iterations_per_update: int = None, number_of_cores: int = None, session: Optional[sa.orm.Session] = None, **kwargs ): """ A Nautilus non-linear search. Nautilus is an optional requirement and must be installed manually via the command `pip install ultranest`. It is optional as it has certain dependencies which are generally straight forward to install (e.g. Cython). For a full description of Nautilus checkout its Github and documentation webpages: Parameters ---------- name The name of the search, controlling the last folder results are output. path_prefix The path of folders prefixing the name folder where results are output. unique_tag The name of a unique tag for this model-fit, which will be given a unique entry in the sqlite database and also acts as the folder after the path prefix and before the search name. iterations_per_update The number of iterations performed between update (e.g. output latest model to hard-disk, visualization). number_of_cores The number of cores sampling is performed using a Python multiprocessing Pool instance. session An SQLalchemy session instance so the results of the model-fit are written to an SQLite database. """ number_of_cores = ( self._config("parallel", "number_of_cores") if number_of_cores is None else number_of_cores ) super().__init__( name=name, path_prefix=path_prefix, unique_tag=unique_tag, iterations_per_update=iterations_per_update, number_of_cores=number_of_cores, session=session, **kwargs, ) self.logger.debug("Creating Nautilus Search") def _fit(self, model: AbstractPriorModel, analysis): """ Fit a model using the search and the Analysis class which contains the data and returns the log likelihood from instances of the model, which the `NonLinearSearch` seeks to maximize. Parameters ---------- model : ModelMapper The model which generates instances for different points in parameter space. analysis : Analysis Contains the data and the log likelihood function which fits an instance of the model to the data, returning the log likelihood the `NonLinearSearch` maximizes. Returns ------- A result object comprising the Samples object that includes the maximum log likelihood instance and full set of accepted ssamples of the fit. """ fitness = Fitness( model=model, analysis=analysis, paths=self.paths, fom_is_log_likelihood=True, resample_figure_of_merit=-1.0e99, ) if not isinstance(self.paths, NullPaths): checkpoint_exists = os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_file) else: checkpoint_exists = False if checkpoint_exists: "Resuming Nautilus non-linear search (previous samples found)." ) else: "Starting new Nautilus non-linear search (no previous samples found)." ) if ( self.config_dict.get("force_x1_cpu") or self.kwargs.get("force_x1_cpu") or jax_wrapper.use_jax ): search_internal = self.fit_x1_cpu( fitness=fitness, model=model, analysis=analysis, ) else: if not self.using_mpi: search_internal = self.fit_multiprocessing( fitness=fitness, model=model, analysis=analysis, ) else: search_internal = self.fit_mpi( fitness=fitness, model=model, analysis=analysis, checkpoint_exists=checkpoint_exists, ) if self.checkpoint_file is not None: os.remove(self.checkpoint_file) return search_internal @property def sampler_cls(self): try: from nautilus import Sampler return Sampler except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "\n--------------------\n" "You are attempting to perform a model-fit using Nautilus. \n\n" "However, the optional library Nautilus ( is " "not installed.\n\n" "Install it via the command `pip install nautilus-sampler==0.7.2`.\n\n" "----------------------" ) @property def checkpoint_file(self): """ The path to the file used for checkpointing. If autofit is not outputting results to hard-disk (e.g. paths is `NullPaths`), this function is bypassed. """ try: return self.paths.search_internal_path / "checkpoint.hdf5" except TypeError: pass
[docs] def fit_x1_cpu(self, fitness, model, analysis): """ Perform the non-linear search, using one CPU core. This is used if the likelihood function calls external libraries that cannot be parallelized or use threading in a way that conflicts with the parallelization of the non-linear search. Parameters ---------- fitness The function which takes a model instance and returns its log likelihood via the Analysis class model The model which maps parameters chosen via the non-linear search (e.g. via the priors or sampling) to instances of the model, which are passed to the fitness function. analysis Contains the data and the log likelihood function which fits an instance of the model to the data, returning the log likelihood the search maximizes. """ """ Running search where parallelization is disabled. """ ) search_internal = self.sampler_cls( prior=prior_transform, likelihood=fitness.__call__, n_dim=model.prior_count, prior_kwargs={"model": model}, filepath=self.checkpoint_file, pool=None, **self.config_dict_search, ) return self.call_search(search_internal=search_internal, model=model, analysis=analysis)
[docs] def fit_multiprocessing(self, fitness, model, analysis): """ Perform the non-linear search, using multiple CPU cores parallelized via Python's multiprocessing module. This uses PyAutoFit's sneaky pool class, which allows us to use the multiprocessing module in a way that plays nicely with the non-linear search (e.g. exception handling, keyboard interupts, etc.). Multiprocessing parallelization can only parallelize across multiple cores on a single device, it cannot be distributed across multiple devices or computing nodes. For that, use the `fit_mpi` method. Parameters ---------- fitness The function which takes a model instance and returns its log likelihood via the Analysis class model The model which maps parameters chosen via the non-linear search (e.g. via the priors or sampling) to instances of the model, which are passed to the fitness function. analysis Contains the data and the log likelihood function which fits an instance of the model to the data, returning the log likelihood the search maximizes. """ search_internal = self.sampler_cls( prior=prior_transform, likelihood=fitness.__call__, n_dim=model.prior_count, prior_kwargs={"model": model}, filepath=self.checkpoint_file, pool=self.number_of_cores, **self.config_dict_search, ) return self.call_search(search_internal=search_internal, model=model, analysis=analysis)
[docs] def fit_mpi(self, fitness, model, analysis, checkpoint_exists: bool): """ Perform the non-linear search, using MPI to distribute the model-fit across multiple computing nodes. This uses PyAutoFit's sneaky pool class, which allows us to use the multiprocessing module in a way that plays nicely with the non-linear search (e.g. exception handling, keyboard interupts, etc.). MPI parallelization can be distributed across multiple devices or computing nodes. Parameters ---------- fitness The function which takes a model instance and returns its log likelihood via the Analysis class model The model which maps parameters chosen via the non-linear search (e.g. via the priors or sampling) to instances of the model, which are passed to the fitness function. analysis Contains the data and the log likelihood function which fits an instance of the model to the data, returning the log likelihood the search maximizes. checkpoint_exists Does the checkpoint file corresponding do a previous run of this search exist? """ with self.make_sneakier_pool( fitness_function=fitness.__call__, prior_transform=prior_transform, fitness_args=(model, fitness.__call__), prior_transform_args=(model,), ) as pool: if not pool.is_master(): pool.wait() sys.exit(0) search_internal = self.sampler_cls( prior=pool.prior_transform,, n_dim=model.prior_count, filepath=self.checkpoint_file, pool=pool, **self.config_dict_search, ) if checkpoint_exists: if self.is_master: self.perform_update( model=model, analysis=analysis, during_analysis=True, search_internal=search_internal, ) **self.config_dict_run, ) return search_internal
[docs] def iterations_from( self, search_internal ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Returns the next number of iterations that a dynesty call will use and the total number of iterations that have been performed so far. This is used so that the `iterations_per_update` input leads to on-the-fly output of dynesty results. It also ensures dynesty does not perform more samples than the `n_like_max` input variable. Parameters ---------- search_internal The Dynesty sampler (static or dynamic) which is run and performs nested sampling. Returns ------- The next number of iterations that a dynesty run sampling will perform and the total number of iterations it has performed so far. """ if isinstance(self.paths, NullPaths): n_like_max = self.config_dict_run.get("n_like_max") if n_like_max is not None: return n_like_max, n_like_max return int(1e99), int(1e99) try: total_iterations = len(search_internal.posterior()[1]) except ValueError: total_iterations = 0 iterations = total_iterations + self.iterations_per_update if self.config_dict_run["n_like_max"] is not None: if iterations > self.config_dict_run["n_like_max"]: iterations = self.config_dict_run["n_like_max"] return iterations, total_iterations
[docs] def output_search_internal(self, search_internal): """ Output the sampler results to hard-disk in their internal format. The multiprocessing `Pool` object cannot be pickled and thus the sampler cannot be saved to hard-disk. This function therefore extracts the necessary information from the sampler and saves it to hard-disk. Parameters ---------- sampler The nautilus sampler object containing the results of the model-fit. """ pool_l = search_internal.pool_l pool_s = search_internal.pool_s search_internal.pool_l = None search_internal.pool_s = None self.paths.save_search_internal( obj=search_internal, ) search_internal.pool_l = pool_l search_internal.pool_s = pool_s
def samples_info_from(self, search_internal=None): return { "log_evidence": search_internal.evidence(), "total_samples": int(search_internal.n_like), "total_accepted_samples": int(search_internal.n_like), "time": self.timer.time if self.timer else None, "number_live_points": int(search_internal.n_live), }
[docs] def samples_via_internal_from( self, model: AbstractPriorModel, search_internal=None ): """ Returns a `Samples` object from the ultranest internal results. The samples contain all information on the parameter space sampling (e.g. the parameters, log likelihoods, etc.). The internal search results are converted from the native format used by the search to lists of values (e.g. `parameter_lists`, `log_likelihood_list`). Parameters ---------- model Maps input vectors of unit parameter values to physical values and model instances via priors. """ if search_internal is None: search_internal = self.paths.load_search_internal() parameters, log_weights, log_likelihoods = search_internal.posterior() parameter_lists = parameters.tolist() log_likelihood_list = log_likelihoods.tolist() weight_list = np.exp(log_weights).tolist() log_prior_list = [ sum(model.log_prior_list_from_vector(vector=vector)) for vector in parameter_lists ] sample_list = Sample.from_lists( model=model, parameter_lists=parameter_lists, log_likelihood_list=log_likelihood_list, log_prior_list=log_prior_list, weight_list=weight_list, ) return SamplesNest( model=model, sample_list=sample_list, samples_info=self.samples_info_from(search_internal=search_internal), )
@property def config_dict(self): return conf.instance["non_linear"]["nest"][self.__class__.__name__]
[docs] def config_dict_test_mode_from(self, config_dict : Dict) -> Dict: """ Returns a configuration dictionary for test mode meaning that the sampler terminates as quickly as possible. Entries which set the total number of samples of the sampler (e.g. maximum calls, maximum likelihood evaluations) are reduced to low values meaning it terminates nearly immediately. Parameters ---------- config_dict The original configuration dictionary for this sampler which includes entries controlling how fast the sampler terminates. Returns ------- A configuration dictionary where settings which control the sampler's number of samples are reduced so it terminates as quickly as possible. """ return { **config_dict, "n_like_max": 1, }