import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from autoconf import conf
import autoarray as aa
from autogalaxy.galaxy.galaxy import Galaxy
from autogalaxy.profiles.basis import Basis
from autogalaxy.profiles.light.linear import LightProfileLinear
from autogalaxy.operate.image import OperateImageGalaxies
from autogalaxy.operate.deflections import OperateDeflections
class Galaxies(List, OperateImageGalaxies, OperateDeflections):
def __init__(
galaxies: List[Galaxy],
run_time_dict: Optional[Dict] = None,
A collection of galaxies, used to perform operations on the galaxies as a group.
It is common for a user to have multiple galaxies in a list, for which they may perform operations like
creating the image of the light profiles or all galaxies or the potential of the mass profiles of all galaxies.
Many of these calculations are straight forward, for example for the image of all galaxies we simply sum the
images of each galaxy.
However, there are more complex operations that can be performed on the galaxies as a group, for example
computing the blured image of a group of galaxies where some galaxies have operated light profiles (meaning
that PSF blurring is already applied to them and thus should be skipped) and another subset of galaxies have
normal light profiles (meaning that PSF blurring should be applied to them).
This calculation requires a careful set of operations to ensure that the PSF blurring is only applied to the
subset of galaxies that do not have operated light profiles. This is an example of a calculation that is
performed by the `Galaxies` class, simplifing the code required to perform this operation.
Users may find that they often omit the `Galaxies` class and instead perform these operations in a more manual
way. This is fine, but care must be taken to ensure that the operations are performed correctly.
The list of galaxies whose calculations are performed by this class.
A dictionary of information on the run-times of function calls, including the total time and time spent on
different calculations.
self.run_time_dict = run_time_dict
def redshift(self):
return self[0].redshift
def image_2d_list_from(
self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, operated_only: Optional[bool] = None
) -> List[aa.Array2D]:
Returns a list of the 2D images for each galaxy from a 2D grid of Cartesian (y,x) coordinates.
The image of each galaxy is computed by summing the images of all light profiles in that galaxy. If a galaxy
has no light profiles, a numpy array of zeros is returned.
For example, if there are 3 galaxies and only the first two have light profiles, the returned list of images
will be the image of the first two galaxies. The image of the third galaxies will be a numpy array of zeros.
The images output by this function do not include instrument operations, such as PSF convolution (for imaging
data) or a Fourier transform (for interferometer data).
Inherited methods in the `autogalaxy.operate.image` package can apply these operations to the images.
These functions may have the `operated_only` input passed to them, which is why this function includes
the `operated_only` input.
If the `operated_only` input is included, the function omits light profiles which are parents of
the `LightProfileOperated` object, which signifies that the light profile represents emission that has
already had the instrument operations (e.g. PSF convolution, a Fourier transform) applied to it and therefore
that operation is not performed again.
See the `autogalaxy.profiles.light` package for details of how images are computed from a light
The 2D (y, x) coordinates where values of the image are evaluated.
The returned list from this function contains all light profile images, and they are never operated on
(e.g. via the imaging PSF). However, inherited methods in the `autogalaxy.operate.image` package can
apply these operations to the images, which may have the `operated_only` input passed to them. This input
therefore is used to pass the `operated_only` input to these methods.
return [
galaxy.image_2d_from(grid=grid, operated_only=operated_only)
for galaxy in self
def image_2d_from(
self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, operated_only: Optional[bool] = None
) -> aa.Array2D:
Returns the 2D image of all galaxies summed from a 2D grid of Cartesian (y,x) coordinates.
This function first computes the image of each galaxy, via the function `image_2d_list_from`. The
images are then summed to give the overall image of the galaxies.
Refer to the function `image_2d_list_from` for a full description of the calculation and how the `operated_only`
input is used.
The 2D (y, x) coordinates where values of the image are evaluated.
The returned list from this function contains all light profile images, and they are never operated on
(e.g. via the imaging PSF). However, inherited methods in the `autogalaxy.operate.image` package can
apply these operations to the images, which may have the `operated_only` input passed to them. This input
therefore is used to pass the `operated_only` input to these methods.
return sum(self.image_2d_list_from(grid=grid, operated_only=operated_only))
def galaxy_image_2d_dict_from(
self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, operated_only: Optional[bool] = None
) -> {Galaxy: np.ndarray}:
Returns a dictionary associating every `Galaxy` object with its corresponding 2D image, using the instance
of each galaxy as the dictionary keys.
This object is used for adaptive-features, which use the image of each galaxy in a model-fit in order to
adapt quantities like a pixelization or regularization scheme to the surface brightness of the galaxies being
By inheriting from `OperateImageGalaxies` functions which apply operations of this dictionary are accessible,
for example convolving every image with a PSF or applying a Fourier transform to create a galaxy-visibilities
The 2D (y,x) coordinates of the (masked) grid, in its original geometric reference frame.
A dictionary associated every galaxy with its corresponding 2D image.
galaxy_image_2d_dict = dict()
image_2d_list = self.image_2d_list_from(grid=grid, operated_only=operated_only)
for galaxy_index, galaxy in enumerate(self):
galaxy_image_2d_dict[galaxy] = image_2d_list[galaxy_index]
return galaxy_image_2d_dict
def deflections_yx_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the summed 2D deflections angles of all galaxies from a 2D grid of Cartesian (y,x) coordinates.
The deflections of each galaxy is computed by summing the deflections of all mass profiles in that galaxy. If a
galaxy has no mass profiles, a numpy array of zeros is returned.
This calculation does not account for multi-plane ray-tracing effects, it is simply the sum of the deflections
of all galaxies. The `Tracer` class in PyAutoLens is required for this.
For example, if there are 3 galaxies and only the first two have mass profiles, the returned list of deflections
will be the deflections of the first two galaxies. The deflections of the third galaxies will be a numpy
array of zeros.
See the `autogalaxy.profiles.mass` package for details of how deflections are computed from a mass profile.
The 2D (y, x) coordinates where values of the deflections are evaluated.
if self:
return sum(map(lambda g: g.deflections_yx_2d_from(grid=grid), self))
return np.zeros(shape=(grid.shape[0], 2))
def traced_grid_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike) -> aa.type.Grid2DLike:
Trace this plane's grid_stacks to the next plane, using its deflection angles.
return grid - self.deflections_yx_2d_from(grid=grid)
def convergence_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the summed 2D convergence of all galaxies from a 2D grid of Cartesian (y,x) coordinates.
The convergence of each galaxy is computed by summing the convergence of all mass profiles in that galaxy. If a
galaxy has no mass profiles, a numpy array of zeros is returned.
This calculation does not account for multi-plane ray-tracing effects, it is simply the sum of the convergence
of all galaxies. The `Tracer` class in PyAutoLens is required for this.
For example, if there are 3 galaxies and only the first two have mass profiles, the returned list of convergence
will be the convergence of the first two galaxies. The convergence of the third galaxies will be a numpy
array of zeros.
See the `autogalaxy.profiles.mass` package for details of how convergence are computed from a mass profile.
The 2D (y, x) coordinates where values of the convergence are evaluated.
if self:
return sum(map(lambda g: g.convergence_2d_from(grid=grid), self))
return np.zeros((grid.shape[0],))
def potential_2d_from(self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the summed 2D potential of all galaxies from a 2D grid of Cartesian (y,x) coordinates.
The potential of each galaxy is computed by summing the potential of all mass profiles in that galaxy. If a
galaxy has no mass profiles, a numpy array of zeros is returned.
This calculation does not account for multi-plane ray-tracing effects, it is simply the sum of the potential
of all galaxies. The `Tracer` class in PyAutoLens is required for this.
For example, if there are 3 galaxies and only the first two have mass profiles, the returned list of potential
will be the potential of the first two galaxies. The potential of the third galaxies will be a numpy
array of zeros.
See the `autogalaxy.profiles.mass` package for details of how potential are computed from a mass profile.
The 2D (y, x) coordinates where values of the potential are evaluated.
if self:
return sum(map(lambda g: g.potential_2d_from(grid=grid), self))
return np.zeros((grid.shape[0],))
def has(self, cls: Union[Type, Tuple[Type]]) -> bool:
Returns a bool specifying whether any of the galaxies has a certain class type.
For example, for the input `cls=ag.LightProfile`, this function returns True if any galaxy has a
light profile and false if no galaxy has a light profile.
This function is used to check for mass profiles and specific types of profiles, like the linear light profile.
The class type of the galaxy which is checked for in the tracer.
True if any galaxy in the tracer has the input class type, else False.
return any(list(map(lambda galaxy: galaxy.has(cls=cls), self)))
def cls_list_from(self, cls: Type) -> List:
Returns a list of objects in the galaxies which are an instance of the input `cls`.
For example:
- If the input is `cls=ag.LightProfile`, a list containing all light profiles of all galaxies is returned.
The list of objects in the galaxies that inherit from input `cls`.
cls_list = []
for galaxy in self:
if galaxy.has(cls=cls):
for cls_galaxy in galaxy.cls_list_from(cls=cls):
return cls_list
def galaxies_with_cls_list_from(self, cls: Type) -> List[Galaxy]:
return list(filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.has(cls=cls), self))
def galaxy_has_cls(self, cls: Type) -> bool:
return any([galaxy.has(cls=cls) for galaxy in self])
def perform_inversion(self) -> bool:
Returns a bool specifying whether this fit object performs an inversion.
This is based on whether any of the galaxies have a `Pixelization` or `LightProfileLinear` object, in which
case an inversion is performed.
A bool which is True if an inversion is performed.
if self.has(cls=(aa.Pixelization, LightProfileLinear)):
return True
elif self.has(cls=Basis):
basis_list = self.cls_list_from(cls=Basis)
for basis in basis_list:
for light_profile in basis.profile_list:
if isinstance(light_profile, LightProfileLinear):
return True
return False
def plane_image_2d_from(
self, grid: aa.type.Grid2DLike, zoom_to_brightest: bool = True
) -> aa.Array2D:
return plane_image_from(
def plane_image_from(
galaxies: List[Galaxy],
grid: aa.Grid2D,
buffer: float = 1.0e-2,
zoom_to_brightest: bool = True,
) -> aa.Array2D:
Returns the plane image of a list of galaxies, by summing their individual images.
For lensing calculations performed by **PyAutoLens**, this function is used to return the unleensed image
source-plane galaxies.
By default, an adaptive grid is used to determine the grid that the images of the galaxies are computed on.
This grid adapts its dimensions to capture the brightest regions of the image, ensuring that visualization of
the plane-image is focused entirely on where the galaxies are brightest.
This adaptive grid is based on determining the size of the grid that contains all pixels with an
input % (typically 99%) of the total flux of the brightest pixel in the image.
The adaptive grid can be disabled such that the input grid is used to compute the image of the galaxies.
The list of galaxies whose images are summed to compute the plane image.
The grid of (y,x) coordinates for which the image of the galaxies is computed on, or from which the adaptive
grid is derived.
The buffer around the adaptive grid that is used to ensure the image of the galaxies is not cut off.
If True, an adaptive grid is used to compute the image of the galaxies which zooms in on the brightest
regions of the image. If False, the input grid is used.
The plane image of the galaxies, which is the sum of their individual images.
shape = grid.shape_native
if zoom_to_brightest:
image = sum(map(lambda g: g.image_2d_from(grid=grid), galaxies))
image = image.native
zoom_percent = conf.instance["visualize"]["general"]["zoom"][
fractional_value = np.max(image) * zoom_percent
fractional_bool = image > fractional_value
true_indices = np.argwhere(fractional_bool)
y_max_pix = np.min(true_indices[:, 0])
y_min_pix = np.max(true_indices[:, 0])
x_min_pix = np.min(true_indices[:, 1])
x_max_pix = np.max(true_indices[:, 1])
grid = grid.native
extent = (
grid[0, x_min_pix][1] - buffer,
grid[0, x_max_pix][1] + buffer,
grid[y_min_pix, 0][0] - buffer,
grid[y_max_pix, 0][0] + buffer,
extent = aa.util.geometry.extent_symmetric_from(extent=extent)
pixel_scales = (
float((extent[3] - extent[2]) / shape[0]),
float((extent[1] - extent[0]) / shape[1]),
origin = ((extent[3] + extent[2]) / 2.0, (extent[1] + extent[0]) / 2.0)
grid = aa.Grid2D.uniform(
except ValueError:
image = sum(map(lambda g: g.image_2d_from(grid=grid), galaxies))
return aa.Array2D.no_mask(
values=image.native, pixel_scales=grid.pixel_scales, origin=grid.origin