Source code for autogalaxy.galaxy.plot.galaxies_plotters

from typing import List, Optional

import autoarray as aa
import autoarray.plot as aplt

from autogalaxy.plot.abstract_plotters import Plotter
from autogalaxy.plot.mat_plot.one_d import MatPlot1D
from autogalaxy.plot.mat_plot.two_d import MatPlot2D
from autogalaxy.plot.visuals.one_d import Visuals1D
from autogalaxy.plot.visuals.two_d import Visuals2D
from autogalaxy.plot.include.one_d import Include1D
from autogalaxy.plot.include.two_d import Include2D
from autogalaxy.plot.mass_plotter import MassPlotter
from autogalaxy.galaxy.galaxy import Galaxy
from autogalaxy.galaxy.galaxies import Galaxies
from autogalaxy.galaxy.plot.galaxy_plotters import GalaxyPlotter

from autogalaxy import exc

[docs]class GalaxiesPlotter(Plotter): def __init__( self, galaxies: List[Galaxy], grid: aa.type.Grid1D2DLike, mat_plot_1d: MatPlot1D = MatPlot1D(), visuals_1d: Visuals1D = Visuals1D(), include_1d: Include1D = Include1D(), mat_plot_2d: MatPlot2D = MatPlot2D(), visuals_2d: Visuals2D = Visuals2D(), include_2d: Include2D = Include2D(), ): """ Plots the attributes of a list of galaxies using the matplotlib methods `plot()` and `imshow()` and many other matplotlib functions which customize the plot's appearance. The `mat_plot_1d` and `mat_plot_2d` attributes wrap matplotlib function calls to make the figure. By default, the settings passed to every matplotlib function called are those specified in the `config/visualize/mat_wrap/*.ini` files, but a user can manually input values into `MatPlot2D` to customize the figure's appearance. Overlaid on the figure are visuals, contained in the `Visuals1D` and `Visuals2D` objects. Attributes may be extracted from the `MassProfile` and plotted via the visuals object, if the corresponding entry is `True` in the `Include1D` or `Include2D` object or the `config/visualize/include.ini` file. Parameters ---------- galaxies The galaxies the plotter plots. grid The 2D (y,x) grid of coordinates used to evaluate the galaxies light and mass quantities that are plotted. mat_plot_1d Contains objects which wrap the matplotlib function calls that make 1D plots. visuals_1d Contains 1D visuals that can be overlaid on 1D plots. include_1d Specifies which attributes of the `MassProfile` are extracted and plotted as visuals for 1D plots. mat_plot_2d Contains objects which wrap the matplotlib function calls that make 2D plots. visuals_2d Contains 2D visuals that can be overlaid on 2D plots. include_2d Specifies which attributes of the `MassProfile` are extracted and plotted as visuals for 2D plots. """ self.galaxies = Galaxies(galaxies=galaxies) from autogalaxy.profiles.light.linear import ( LightProfileLinear, ) if self.galaxies.has(cls=LightProfileLinear): raise exc.raise_linear_light_profile_in_plot( plotter_type=self.__class__.__name__, ) super().__init__( mat_plot_2d=mat_plot_2d, include_2d=include_2d, visuals_2d=visuals_2d, mat_plot_1d=mat_plot_1d, include_1d=include_1d, visuals_1d=visuals_1d, ) self.grid = grid self._mass_plotter = MassPlotter( mass_obj=self.galaxies, grid=self.grid, get_visuals_2d=self.get_visuals_2d, mat_plot_2d=self.mat_plot_2d, include_2d=self.include_2d, visuals_2d=self.visuals_2d, ) def get_visuals_2d(self) -> Visuals2D: return self.get_2d.via_light_mass_obj_from( light_mass_obj=self.galaxies, grid=self.grid ) def get_visuals_2d_of_galaxy(self, galaxy_index: int) -> aplt.Visuals2D: return self.get_2d.via_galaxies_from( galaxies=self.galaxies, grid=self.grid, galaxy_index=galaxy_index )
[docs] def galaxy_plotter_from(self, galaxy_index: int) -> GalaxyPlotter: """ Returns an `GalaxyPlotter` corresponding to a `Galaxy` in the `Tracer`. Returns ------- galaxy_index The index of the galaxy in the `Tracer` used to make the `GalaxyPlotter`. """ return GalaxyPlotter( galaxy=self.galaxies[galaxy_index], grid=self.grid, mat_plot_2d=self.mat_plot_2d, visuals_2d=self.get_visuals_2d_of_galaxy(galaxy_index=galaxy_index), include_2d=self.include_2d, )
[docs] def figures_2d( self, image: bool = False, convergence: bool = False, potential: bool = False, deflections_y: bool = False, deflections_x: bool = False, magnification: bool = False, plane_image: bool = False, plane_grid: bool = False, zoom_to_brightest: bool = True, title_suffix: str = "", filename_suffix: str = "", source_plane_title: bool = False, ): """ Plots the individual attributes of the plotter's `Galaxies` object in 2D, which are computed via the plotter's 2D grid object. The API is such that every plottable attribute of the `Galaxies` object is an input parameter of type bool of the function, which if switched to `True` means that it is plotted. Parameters ---------- image Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the image of the galaxies. convergence Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the convergence. potential Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the potential. deflections_y Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the y component of the deflection angles. deflections_x Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the x component of the deflection angles. magnification Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the magnification. plane_image Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the image of the plane in the soure-plane (e.g. its unlensed light). zoom_to_brightest Whether to automatically zoom the plot to the brightest regions of the galaxies being plotted as opposed to the full extent of the grid. title_suffix Add a suffix to the end of the matplotlib title label. filename_suffix Add a suffix to the end of the filename the plot is saved to hard-disk using. """ if image: self.mat_plot_2d.plot_array( array=self.galaxies.image_2d_from(grid=self.grid), visuals_2d=self.get_visuals_2d(), auto_labels=aplt.AutoLabels( title=f"Image{title_suffix}", filename=f"image_2d{filename_suffix}" ), ) if plane_image: if source_plane_title: title = "Source Plane Image" else: title = f"Plane Image{title_suffix}" self.mat_plot_2d.plot_array( array=self.galaxies.plane_image_2d_from( grid=self.grid, zoom_to_brightest=zoom_to_brightest ), visuals_2d=self.get_visuals_2d(), auto_labels=aplt.AutoLabels( title=title, filename=f"plane_image{filename_suffix}", ), ) if plane_grid: if source_plane_title: title = "Source Plane Grid" else: title = f"Plane Grid{title_suffix}" self.mat_plot_2d.plot_grid( grid=self.grid, visuals_2d=self.get_visuals_2d(), auto_labels=aplt.AutoLabels( title=title, filename=f"plane_grid{filename_suffix}", ), ) self._mass_plotter.figures_2d( convergence=convergence, potential=potential, deflections_y=deflections_y, deflections_x=deflections_x, magnification=magnification, )
[docs] def galaxy_indexes_from(self, galaxy_index: Optional[int]) -> List[int]: """ Returns a list of all indexes of the galaxys in the fit, which is iterated over in figures that plot individual figures of each galaxy. Parameters ---------- galaxy_index A specific galaxy index which when input means that only a single galaxy index is returned. Returns ------- list A list of galaxy indexes corresponding to galaxys in the galaxy. """ if galaxy_index is None: return list(range(len(self.galaxies))) return [galaxy_index]
[docs] def figures_2d_of_galaxies( self, image: bool = False, galaxy_index: Optional[int] = None ): """ Plots galaxy images for each individual `Galaxy` in the plotter's `Galaxies` in 2D, which are computed via the plotter's 2D grid object. The API is such that every plottable attribute of the `galaxy` object is an input parameter of type bool of the function, which if switched to `True` means that it is plotted. Parameters ---------- image Whether to make a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the image of the galaxy in the soure-galaxy (e.g. its unlensed light). galaxy_index If input, plots for only a single galaxy based on its index are created. """ galaxy_indexes = self.galaxy_indexes_from(galaxy_index=galaxy_index) for galaxy_index in galaxy_indexes: galaxy_plotter = self.galaxy_plotter_from(galaxy_index=galaxy_index) if image: galaxy_plotter.figures_2d( image=True, title_suffix=f" Of Galaxy {galaxy_index}", filename_suffix=f"_of_galaxy_{galaxy_index}", )
[docs] def subplot( self, image: bool = False, convergence: bool = False, potential: bool = False, deflections_y: bool = False, deflections_x: bool = False, magnification: bool = False, auto_filename: str = "subplot_galaxies", ): """ Plots the individual attributes of the plotter's `Galaxies` object in 2D on a subplot, which are computed via the plotter's 2D grid object. The API is such that every plottable attribute of the `Galaxies` object is an input parameter of type bool of the function, which if switched to `True` means that it is included on the subplot. Parameters ---------- image Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the image. convergence Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the convergence. potential Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the potential. deflections_y Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the y component of the deflection angles. deflections_x Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the x component of the deflection angles. magnification Whether or not to include a 2D plot (via `imshow`) of the magnification. auto_filename The default filename of the output subplot if written to hard-disk. """ self._subplot_custom_plot( image=image, convergence=convergence, potential=potential, deflections_y=deflections_y, deflections_x=deflections_x, magnification=magnification, auto_labels=aplt.AutoLabels(filename=auto_filename), )
[docs] def subplot_galaxies(self): """ Standard subplot of the attributes of the plotter's `Galaxies` object. """ return self.subplot( image=True, convergence=True, potential=True, deflections_y=True, deflections_x=True, )
[docs] def subplot_galaxy_images(self): """ Subplot of the image of every galaxy. For example, for a 2 galaxy `Galaxies`, this creates a subplot with 2 panels, one for each galaxy. """ number_subplots = len(self.galaxies) self.open_subplot_figure(number_subplots=number_subplots) for galaxy_index in range(0, len(self.galaxies)): galaxy_plotter = self.galaxy_plotter_from(galaxy_index=galaxy_index) galaxy_plotter.figures_2d( image=True, title_suffix=f" Of Galaxies {galaxy_index}" ) self.mat_plot_2d.output.subplot_to_figure( auto_filename=f"subplot_galaxy_images" ) self.close_subplot_figure()